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This page contains, arranged chronologically, all published issues: cover, index of articles and related authors, pdf version of the entire journal, which you can download.


Number 1

  • PRAYER – “Make me Lord Eucharist” by Francesca Menghini
  • COME AND SEE by Ermanno Colombo
  • LISTENING TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “From John Paul II’s address to the leaders of Renewal in the Spirit.”
  • GOD’S WORD “I have indeed given you an example” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “I have called you by name; you belong to me” (Is. 43:1) by Agnes Bettelli
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “What will I do with my life” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • MAGNIFICAT COMMUNITY OF… “St. Barnabas,” Don Nello Palloni’s “We ask you for an act of trust.”
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “Papiano Community Testimony,” “Life asked of you, to Him you granted it” by Luca Bartoccini
  • BROTHERS WRITE US “Why do we impose hands?” responds to letter Fr. Cesare Piazzoli
  • COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES CURIOSITIES – REVIEWS “Under the Tent with Jesus” by Luca Calzoni
  • THE SPIRIT RENEWAL IN THE WORLD “The Charismatic Awakening in the Catholic Church.”
  • PRAYER – “Hail O Mary” by Francesca Menghini
  • LISTENING TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “Christ the King, 1982” Homily by Msgr. Cesare Pagani
  • GOD’S WORD “And we are all witnesses” (Acts. 2:23) by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “But is there then a need to be in a Community?” by Francesca Menghini
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “A foundation for spiritual building” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • THE MAGNIFICAT COMMUNITY OF. “Poor Clares of St. Agnes”
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “Birth to New Life” by Attilio Simonte.
  • BROTHERS WRITE “A letter to the brethren in Christ Jesus” “An important event.”
  • THE RENOVATION IN THE SPIRIT IN THE WORLD “The Renewal in the Spirit in Italy” by Francesco Locatelli
  • CURIOSITIES – REVIEWS “Poetry and Prayer” by Renato Mezzopera



Number 2

  • PRAYER – “Hail O Mary” by Francesca Menghini
  • PRAYER – “Hail O Mary” by Francesca Menghini
  • LISTENING TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “Christ the King, 1982” Homily by Msgr. Cesare Pagani
  • GOD’S WORD “And we are all witnesses” (Acts. 2:23) by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “But is there then a need to be in a Community?” by Francesca Menghini
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “A foundation for spiritual building” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • MAGNIFICAT COMMUNITY OF. “Poor Clares of St. Agnes”
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “Birth to New Life” by Attilio Simonte.
  • BROTHERS WRITE “A letter to the brethren in Christ Jesus” “An important event.”
  • THE RENOVATION IN THE SPIRIT IN THE WORLD “The Renewal in the Spirit in Italy” by Francesco Locatelli
  • CURIOSITIES – REVIEWS “Poetry and Prayer” by Renato Mezzopera



Number 3

  • PRAYER – “If you do not become like children” by Francesca Menghini
  • LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “Getting to know the working presence of Jesus Christ” by Msgr. C. Pagani – Archbishop of Perugia
  • GOD’S WORD “Who then is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven” (Mt. 18:1) by Agnes Bettelli
  • “RETURNING POWER TO GOD” by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa – Apostolic Preacher.
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “Why Communities Must Organize Into Ministries” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “Why?” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • THE MAGNIFICAT COMMUNITY OF… “A people on a journey” of the Magnificat Community of Arezzo
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “Let no man divide what God has joined together” (Mt. 19:6) by Floriana and Gianfranco Menegaldo “I wanted freedom” by Irene Martorelli “Giving of self to the Lord” by Don Ugo Peressin
  • BROTHERS WRITE Letter from Zelinda Elmi – Letter from Emilia Crestini – Letter signed
  • “FINALLY I KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY FATHER” by Rosaria Taticchi.



Number 4

  • PRAYER – “The Trinity is with us” (Joel 3:1, 2, 5)
  • LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “Stay with us Lord” (Pastoral Document of the Italian Episcopate)
  • WORD OF GOD “Eucharist: sacrifice of the New Covenant” by Francesca Menghini
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “Let’s try to turn our thoughts into prayer” by Agnese Bettelli
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “The Righteous…” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • THE MAGNIFICAT COMMUNITY OF. “Montefalco” by Pietro Checconi, with testimony from Alibrando, Dina and Sabina.
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “Lord serve me” by Luca Bartoccini “To new life with Jesus” by two girls from Arezzo
  • BROTHERS WRITE “Resurrection” by Lorenza Verrina “The Lie” by Elena Mezzetti “Praise and Glory to the Holy Trinity” by Sister Rina – Letter from Marisa and Leonella
  • “MOTHER OF MY LORD” by D. Anthony Fanucci.



Number 5

  • PRAYER – Let us pray together.
  • LISTENING TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “All Saints 1983” by Msgr. Cesare Pagani
  • GOD’S WORD “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel…” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “Let us revive our promises”: testimonies from the cenacles
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “We and the Creatures” by Fr. Fernanda Sulpizi
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “One thing I have asked of the Lord, this only I seek; to dwell in the house of the Lord” (Sl 27:4) by Mamo “It was smiling again…” by Daniela Monni
  • BROTHERS WRITE Letters from Peter and Francis: Fr. Fernando Sulpizi responds – Testimonies of the camps held by the Community this summer in Porto S. Giorgio and Palinuro
  • “San Manno” by Ginette Burkard.



Number 6

  • PRAYER – Let us pray together.
  • LISTENING TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “Witnesses of the Risen One,” Archbishop Carlo Maria Martini
  • GOD’S WORD “… one is the hope (to which you have been called) that of your vocation…” (Eph. 4:4) by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “Ministry of Welcoming” – “Ministry of Pastoral Animation” – “Ministry of Missions”
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “The Joys of Creation” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “Jahve, you have called me by name and I am yours” by Stephen Ciacca – “Comfort my people” by Mary Rita Mezzopera “Called to be a mirror” by Zelinda Elmi – “From darkness to light” by G.V.
  • BROTHERS WRITE “MHz 93.200-97.200: A Christian Presence in the Life of Perugia” by Francis – “For the Attention of the Brothers of the Community” by Prof. G. Checconi Sbaraglini – “Considerations on the Theological-Pastoral Foundation of the R.n.S.” by Fr. Ugo Peressin
  • “A Note on S. Manno” The Editors.
  • “… Whoever does not welcome the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it” (Mk. 10:13-16) by Lucio Menichelli
  • World Retreat for Priests (I.C.C.R.O.).
  • What is a Magnificat Community



Number 7

  • PRAYER – Let us pray together.
  • LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “The specific service of our ministry” from the discourses of St. Leo the Great Pope
  • GOD’S WORD “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” by Francesca Menghini
  • BUILDING THE COMMUNITY “Whoever is generous in heart” (Ex. 25:2) by Tarcisio Mezzetti – “Sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God, gladly and with gratitude” (Col. 3:16) by Songs Ministry
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “Resting in God” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “Finally I came to know true love” by Maurizio Tini – “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God” (Jn. 1:1) by Piotr Debichi – “My encounter with the Lord and my conversion” by Alberto Nottoli – “I am a new creature” by Luciano Vitali
  • THE BROTHERS WRITE “The Quohelet a pessimistic book?” by Luciano Cecchetti – “Flowering bush” by Rosaria Pasca
  • WHO BELIEVES IN ME “The Charisms” by Francis L.
  • “… Whoever does not welcome the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it” (Mk. 10:13-16) by Lucio Menichelli
  • World Retreat for Priests (I.C.C.R.O.).
  • “Nicoletta, Goodbye in God” by the Cenacle of Mercy.
  • What is a Magnificat Community
  • Homily by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa during the Holy Mass for the opening to adoration of the little church of Our Lady of Light Perugia October 13, 1984



Number 8

  • LISTEN TO THE APOSTLES’ TEACHING “The Spiritual Combat” by Carlo Maria Martini
  • GOD’S WORD “O Lord our God, how great is Your name in all the earth.” by Rosaria Taticchi
  • BUILDING THE COMMUNITY “Like shoehorns on the feet zeal to propagate the Gospel of Peace” by Tarcisio Mezzetti – “Why Organization Ministry” by Organization Ministry
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “The principles of spiritual life in the Word of God” by F. Sulpizi
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “I thought it was impossible” by Rita Castellani – “… How much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him” by Stefano Ragnacci – “I was looking for freedom” by Antonietta Taticchi – “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing” by Milva Rosanio
  • BROTHERS WRITE “Jehovah’s Witnesses” responds to letter Francesco Locatelli – “Satan and Hell” responds to letter Luciano Cecchetti – “A terrible situation” by Roberta Capodicasa
  • “Christians or Actors” by Mariangela Menghini.
  • “Amen!” by Luca Calzoni
  • Guidelines for Renewal in the Spirit
  • WHO BELIEVES IN ME “Charisms: gifts reserved for the early Church?” by Francesco Locatelli
  • “To the attention of the brethren” by the editors.



Number 9

  • LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “The light of the Christian cannot remain hidden” by St. John Chrysostom
  • GOD’S WORD “A voice cries out in the wilderness…” (Is. 40:3-4) by Daniele Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “… submitted to one another in the fear of Christ” (Eph. 5:21) by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “St. Augustine’s Commentary on the Our Father” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “To as many as received him, however, he gave power to become SONS OF GOD” by Rosaria Taticchi – “The kingdom of heaven…” (Mt. 13:45) by Roberta Capodicasa
  • BROTHERS WRITE “Euthanasia: sweet death?” responds to letter L. Cecchetti – “Thy will be done” by Milvia Rosanio – “My most beautiful dream” by Paolo Pennacchi – “Letter to the Editor” by Vittorio Pecchioli – “Letter to the Editor” by Agnese Bettelli
  • “True Openness to the Holy Spirit” by Fr. Fio Mascarenhas.
  • “But He delivers the poor with affliction, opens his hearing with misfortune” by Maria Luisa Mancini – “Read in Prayer”
  • WHO BELIEVES IN ME “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it” by Francesco Locatelli
  • LIFE OF THE SAINTS “St. Clare”



Number 10

  • EDITORIAL “At the top of the mountain” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • LISTEN TO THE APOSTLES’ TEACHING “Apostolica Actuositatem – The Laity’s Vocation to the Apostolate.”
  • GOD’S WORD “Flee Idolatry” by Agnese Bettelli
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “Heaven and earth…” (Mt. 24:35) by Luigi Montesi – “Called today to do God’s will in the word of Christ” by Francesca Menghini
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “St. Augustine’s Commentary on the Our Father” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi – “The Problem of Suffering” by Fr. Gregory Erlebach
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR… “How great is your mercy Lord” by Marisa Castellani – “Behold how good and how sweet it is for brothers to live together” (Ps. 133:1) by Stephen and Roberta Ragnacci – “Let man distinguish…” (Eph. 2:13) by Gina – “Do not love the world, nor the things of the world” (Jn. 2:15) by M. Luisa Mancini – “About television” by Glenda Vitali
  • BROTHERS WRITE “Advice for the ‘newbies’ and more for the … distracted brethren” by Luciano Cecchetti
  • WHO BELIEVES IN ME “The Charism of Prophecy” by Francesco Locatelli
  • LIFE OF THE SAINTS “Blessed Angela of Foligno”
  • “Christmas” by Francesca Menghini



Number 11

  • EDITORIAL by the Editorial Board
  • LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “Prayer, Fasting, Mercy” from the Sermons of St. Peter Chrysologus Bishop
  • WORD OF GOD “The Spirit of Truth and the World” by Francesca Menghini
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “At least one!” by Daniele Mezzetti – “Why we are afraid of God’s will” by Fr. Gregory Erlebach – “To grow in love” by Maria Luisa Mancini
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “St. Augustine’s Commentary on the Our Father” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi O.S.A.
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “God is my salvation” by Gabriele Primieri – “Your Word…” by Monica Mezzetti – “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me” by Roberta Capodicasa and Fabrizio Valeri – “Missionaries in the land of St. Paul and St. Peter” by Anna Muscat
  • WHO BELIEVES IN ME “The Effusion of the Spirit: theological and pastoral reflections” by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • “But deliver us from evil” by Tarcisio Mezzetti.
  • “Sta lieto o giovane” by Arturo Fabra”



Number 12

  • LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “New according to the Spirit” by Card.
    G. Biffi
  • GOD’S WORD “But in my heart was a consuming fire” (Jer. 20:9) by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING THE COMMUNITY “For by grace indeed you have been saved” by Luigi Montesi – Cenacles Ministry to the Community – Pastoral Service is born – “Examine yourselves if you are in the faith” the Editors
  • “Holiday Parable” by Fr. Gregory Erlebach.
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “St. Augustine’s Commentary on the Our Father” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi O.S.A.
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “God is my salvation” by Gabriele Primieri – “Your Word…” by Monica Mezzetti – “My mom hoped” by Angela Piselli – “Can you know God? Yes!” by Monica Ambrogiani – “Come to me … and I will comfort you” by Wilma Colcelli
  • BROTHERS WRITE “A healing…” by A. Pucciarini – “Who gives more joy than the Lord?” by V. Pecchioli
  • WHO BELIEVES IN ME “The Effusion of the Spirit: theological and pastoral reflections” by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa o.f.m. 2nd part
  • “God is Love” by Clorinda Cardilli.
  • “So make every effort so that alongside your faith there is a virtuous life” by Maria Luisa Mancini”
  • “Nubes diei semper in luce” by Wanda Rossi.



Number 13

  • It is not good for man to be alone, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Abraham: in faith the people of God are born, by Mariangela Menghini
  • The people in the desert, by Francesca Menghini
  • Prophets: sentinels of God, by Agnes and Susanna Bettelli
  • Jesus chooses the Twelve, by Luca Calzoni
  • The Covenant, by Fr.
    Fernando Sulpizi O S.A.
  • Pentecost, by Francesco Locatelli
  • The outpouring of the Spirit, by Valentina Bettelli
  • The vocation of the Christian, by Maria Luisa Mancini
  • The Magnificat Community: specific vocation, by Rosaria Bellezza
  • Community: a responsible choice, by Massimo and Daniela Roscini
  • The Structure of Community, by Antonietta Aquinardi
  • Staying faithful to the root, by Tarcisio Mezzetti



Number 14

  • GOD’S WORD “Who therefore is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “Children of God” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi O.S.A.
    Testimonies – “Led by the Spirit correct with meekness” by Marisa Castellani – “Honor your father and mother” by Luciano Cecchetti – ACT “… laid hands on them and healed them” by Elena Yarrow Mezzetti
  • INSERT: RESPONDING TO THE CALL “It is not for me a boast to preach the gospel; it is for me a duty. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel” (1 Cor. 9:16) by Francesco Locatelli – “You did not choose me, but I chose you and constituted you so that you might go and bear fruit, and your fruit might remain” (Jn. 15, 16) by Don Nello Palloni – Fidelity to God and to the call, by Rosaria Taticchi – “He who sows sparsely, will reap sparsely” by Daniela Saetta – “The wisdom of this world is foolishness before God” (1Cor. 3, 19) by Francesca Menghini – The weapons of the Christian, by Agnese Bettelli – Fatigue and service, by Valentina Bettelli


October 1987

Number 15

  • GOD’S WORD “Let everything be done for the common good” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “Christ gave us an example in himself” by St. Polycarp
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “The Service” by Daniele Mezzetti – “The Ministries” by Francesca Menghini – “The Behavior” by Clorinda Cardilli.
  • EVERYDAY LIFE Introduction by Luciano, Cecchetti – “Family” by Stefano and Rosella Giuli – “Work” by Francesca Menghini – “Leisure” by Roberta Capodicasa
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “The righteous shall live by faith” by Claudio Cataldo – “Drawing strength from Jesus” by Vittorio Pecchioli – “Magnificat community in the mystical body of Christ” by Fabio Cibotti – “God builds his people” by Fr. Antonio Saraceno – “Experiences of service” by Raffaella Lisi
  • INSERT: SUSSIDIO SEMINAR I Introduction by Luciano Cecchetti – “Sin” by Monica Mezzetti – “Salvation” by Paolo Bartoccini – “The Gift of the Holy Spirit” by Marco Benedetti


February 1988

Number 16

  • GOD’S WORD “Let us make Wisdom live in us, let us make Jesus live” by Susanna Bettelli – “In the world but not of the world” by Claudia Giottoli – “Magnificat community, covenant community” by Francesca Menghini
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “God has a project: God’s dream” by Tarcisio Mezzetti – “The best part is listening” by Francesca Menghini – “Embracing the project” by Daniela Saetta – “Condition to the project” by Rosaria Taticchi
  • BROTHERS WRITE “From the Cenacle of the Timor of God” by the Salerno Brothers – “Virgin Mother…” by Luciano Cecchetti – “Story of a Field” by Daniela Saetta
  • WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR. “Ford of the Iabbok” by Roberta Capodicasa.
  • INSERT: SUMMIT SEMINAR II “The Gift of the Spirit” by Alessandro Beccarini – “The Community of Believers Fruit of Pentecost” by Daniele Mezzetti – “Our Sanctifying Spirit” by Marco Benedetti


April 1988

Number 17

  • LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES “Spiritual Testament” by Msgr. Cesare Pagani
  • WORD OF GOD “Magicians and magic: what the Bible thinks about it” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “… left the young people with a noble example” by Monica Mezzetti
  • WALKING IN THE LIGHT “Everyone is such as the love they have” by Francesco Locatelli
  • LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS “To forgive is good” by Francesca Menghini – “We love since he first loved us” by Luigi Montesi – “Blessed are those whose souls are poor” by Giovanni Gigliotti – “Service” by Rolando Busti
  • THE BROTHERS WRITE “To the people of God: elect and anointed” by Anna Muscat – “Jesus’ mother told him: they have no more wine” by Luciano Cecchetti
  • INSERT: THE DISCERNMENT “What it means to discern” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi – “Discovering God’s Will” by Antonio Vella


July 1988

Number 18

  • LISTEN TO THE APOSTLES’ TEACHING “In Search of God” by H.E. Msgr. Carlo Maria Martini
  • GOD’S WORD “The Cross – Wisdom of God” by Luke Calzoni – “The Cross is the ultimate in mercy” by Peter Checconi
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “How to listen and put into practice” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • DESERT: WALK TOWARD THE PROMISED LAND “God finds His people in desolate land” by Roberta Capodicasa – “God wants to be the guide of His people” by Mariangela Menghini – “God concludes a Covenant with His people” by Massimo Roscini – “The unfaithfulness of the people” by Daniele Mezzetti – “The desert is revealed a time of God’s mercy” by Patrizia Tosti
    Francesca Lisi – Cesira Frattegiani
  • BROTHERS WRITE “…I was the one born blind!” by Mauro Biscarini – “The Lord began to work” by Lino Gaggia – “Obedience to the ‘Elder Brother’” by Michela Fioroni
  • SYSTEMATIC CATECHESIS “The Sermon on the Mount: the Beatitudes” by Luciano Cecchetti


October 1988

Number 19

  • LISTEN TO THE APOSTLES’ TEACHING “Do whatever he tells you” by H. E. Msgr. Carlo Maria Martini
  • GOD’S WORD “Surrender unconditionally” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “The use of the Word of God: how and when” by Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • THE ANIMATOR’S WAY OF FAITH “Faith: virtue, gift, charisma” by Fr. Nello Palloni – “The animator man of faith” by Antonio Vella – “The animator called to experience the efficacy of faith” by Rolando Busti – “The animator at the service of the Community: a sign of unity in faith” by Francesca Menghini – “Prayer: an act of faith” by Stefano Ragnacci
    Testimonies from summer camp
  • BROTHERS WRITE “Grace, a gift of God’s love” by Marisa Castellani
  • SYSTEMATIC CATECHESIS “The Sermon on the Mount: the Beatitudes” by Luciano Cecchetti


December 1988

Number 20

  • EDITORIAL But is my alliance a serious commitment?
    By Francesca Menghini
  • LISTENING TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES The “Magnificat” of the Church on the Way by H.H. John Paul II
  • WORD OF GOD A New Covenant, by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • BUILDING THE COMMUNITY “You shall be for me a kingdom of priests…” by Stephen Ragnacci
  • SYSTEMATIC CATECHESIS “The Sermon on the Mount: the Beatitudes” by Anna Maria Anteri


April 1989

Number 21

  • The Fruit of Pentecost is Community, by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Community a sign of the Kingdom of God, by Matthew Calisi
  • Making Community with Jesus and in the Spirit, by Gabriele De Andreis
  • Community is born from the Word of God and lives by the Word of God, by Stephen Bagianti
  • The True Pastor is the Holy Spirit, by Don Nello Palloni
  • Fraternal communion, by Daniel Saetta
  • If the Lord does not build his house…, by Marco Bini
  • The fraction of bread.
    Center of community life, by Don Stefano Ciacca
  • I lived the Eucharist, by Francesca Menghini
  • Prayer Christians, by Luca Calzoni
  • With Jesus on the Water, by Raffaella Lisi
  • Adveniat Community – S. Maria in Arce, by Cecilia Mussetola
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY Endless little lights in the dark, by Tarcisio Mezzetti


July 1989

Number 22

  • EDITORIAL God’s action produces joy, by Monica Mezzetti
  • The Community: a place of conversion, by Marco Cantamessa
  • Life of Community, Life of Faith, by Fr. Gernaldo Conti
  • All gift, all gift in the Community, by Gabriele De Andreis
  • TESTIMONIANTS Then I asked the Community for help, by Maria Antonietta Pucciarini – It was not the case to waste time praying…, by Francesco Di Maria – I want to entrust myself to you, by Anna Maria (FG) – A very great evil is that of not loving oneself, by Patrizia Tosti – I would like to say many things, by Rosa Del Gaudio – Come and follow me, by Francesco (FG)
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY A fascinating model: the community of Luke, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • FAMILY VOICATION Family: concrete sign of God’s love in the world, by Marisa Castellani – Family in Community: how?
    by Anna Vella
  • The “New Era”: wolves dressed as lambs, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Birth and decline of the “New Era,” by Rev. Michael Cole


December 1989

Number 23-24

  • EDITORIAL Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, by Orestes Pesare
  • Watch and pray not to fall into temptation, by Don Nello Palloni
  • The word of my mouth will not return to me without effect, by Francesca Menghini
  • Word of God and human traditions, by Mariangela Menghini
  • Why does God love the humble?
  • God loves us and has chosen us to be His, by Gino Mancano
  • An Alliance for Life, by Enrico Versino
  • Thank you Don Nazareno, by Don Angelo Marchesi and Agnese Bettelli
  • TESTIMONIES The Wealth of the Christian, by Claudia Cataldo
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY The “Apocalyptic” Communities, by Tarcisio Mezzetti


March 1990

Number 25

  • Witnesses of the Risen Christ, by Rosaria Taticchi
  • Becoming small, by Enrico Versino
  • Only love can make us acceptable to the Lord, by Monica Mezzetti
  • Welcome one another…, by Elisabetta Ragni
  • Fraternal correction, by John Gigliotti
  • Living Community Prayer, by Patrizia Tosti
  • Those who do not forgive betray God and scandalize their brothers and sisters, by Francesca Menghini
  • Do everything without murmuring, by Francesco Locatelli
  • Pope’s primacy is dogma of faith
  • TESTIMONIES I wanted to cry out that God loved us, by Rita Colecchia – I dreamed of a purified humanity, by Francesco Capocchia – I found the true Church, by Michele Mazzotta
  • THE PAOLINE COMMUNITIES The foundation of the Thessaloniki Community, by Fr.
    Augustus Drago
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY The Communities of St. Paul, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY Evangelizing the Christian Community, by Matthew Calisi


July 1990

Number 26

  • What is community?
    By Francesca Menghini
  • From community to service in the Parish, Testimony of Claudio Pauselli
  • “He constituted twelve to stay with him,” by Stefano Ragnacci
  • I was unaware what the Church of Christ was, Testimony of Andrea Sergi
  • You are beside us, Maximus!
    The brothers of the Magnificat Communities
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY Evangelizing the Christian Community, by Matthew Calisi
  • The most beautiful healing, Testimony of Michele Leonardi
  • Has the “New Age” entered the parish?
    By Paula Joy Wenker


October 1990

Number 27

  • Use and Abuse of the Word of God in the Community, by Stephen Bagianti
  • Catechesis: sap for the Christian, life for the Community, by Francesco Locatelli
  • Community: who?
    By Agnese Bettelli
  • “You will reap it from anyone who is generous of heart,” by Stefano Ragnacci
  • Sign of communion: Renewal in the parish, by Francesca Menghini
  • The glory of God, by Antonio Rufino
  • “Take nothing for the journey…” (Luke 9:3), by Giorgio Brustenga
  • I felt at home, by Rita Colecchia
  • The “Community of the Covenant, by Nuccia Pennisi
  • THE PAULINE COMMUNITIES The Community of Philippi, by Fr. Augusto Drago
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY Evangelizing the Christian Community, by Matthew Calisi


December 1990

Number 28

  • Mother of the Church, mother of the community, by Francesca Menghini
  • Building Community, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • From the Twelve to the universal Church, God’s plan is realized, by Luca Calzoni
  • Charisms: gifts reserved for the early Church?
    By Francesco Locatelli
  • Returning Power to God, by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Christians or actors?
    By Mariangela Menghini
  • But among you let it not be so, by Rosaria Taticchi
  • TESTIMONIES I had to forgive my mother, by Susanna Morozzi
  • Live the present in the light of God, by Iolanda Torreano
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY Evangelizing the Christian Community, by Matthew Calisi


April 1991

Number 29

  • Mutual submission, by Anna Rita Bagianti
  • Hospitality – Welcoming – Evangelization, by Luciano Cecchetti
  • Have we called you “Lord” with our lives?
    By Francesca Menghini
  • The encyclical “Redemptoris Missio” and the Renewal Communities, by Fr. Cesare Piazzoli
  • Healing, forgiveness and love, by Antonio Vella
  • TESTIMONIANTS Diocesan School for the Formation of Evangelizers, Presentation by Francesco Fressoia, Testimonies by Mauro Mezzopera, Anna Maria Brustenga, Daniela Scardapane, Monia Peri – “From the Desire of One to a Numerous People” (S. Severo – FG)
  • EVANGELIZATION AND CHARITY The Consolation Diacony (Magnificat Community – St. Barnabas – PG)
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “Community: body of Jesus,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • THE PAULINE COMMUNITIES Paul to the Community of Corinth, by Fr. Augustus Drago
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY “Mandates,” by Matthew Calisi


July 1991

Number 30

  • “Let us behave honestly as in broad daylight,” by Pier Giorgio Bertolani
  • “Five loaves and two fish to evangelize the world,” by Stephen Bagianti
  • “Live in peace among yourselves,” by Luigi Montesi
  • “Embracing the Gift: Jesus Heals,” by Leonia Mezzetti
  • “The Community: Body of Christ,” by Massimo Roscini.
  • “Discipleship: personal holiness,” by Daniele Mezzetti
  • TESTIMONIES “My soul magnifies the Lord,” Testimony of Carla F.
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY “Community: body of Jesus,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY “Mandates,” by Matthew Calisi


October 1991

Number 31

  • Considerations on the community experience, by Enrico Versino
  • Humility, meekness and patience in community, by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Liturgy in the Italian Renewal, by Matteo Calisi
  • “… in the Almighty you will delight,” by Orestes Pesare
  • Word of God and community prayer, by Mariangela Menghini
  • A time for community growth, by Gabriele Primieri
  • “The Lord was working in my life,” by Gianpaolo.
  • What do you want me to do?
    By Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY The “body” develops, by Tarcisio Mezzetti


December 1991

Number 32

  • Community has an end, but it is not an end, Community N.S. of Czestochowa
  • Entering the Community, Community “John the Baptist”
  • Waiting: element for discerning vocation to Community, Community “Magnificat”
  • What it means to join Community, Shalom Community
  • The significance of my choice of Community, Community “SS. Eucharist”
  • Community: a sign of transformation and newness of life, Community “The Love of God”
  • TESTIMONIES Meeting Jesus: testimony from the Healing Seminar
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY Community is called to fight, Community of Jesus
  • What do you want me to do?
    By Fr. Fernando Sulpizi
  • BUILDING COMMUNITY Community: body of Jesus, Magnificat Community.


April 1992

Number 33

  • Service in the Community, Community “John the Baptist”
  • Toward service, Community “SS. Eucharist”
  • Community serving the least, “Magnificat” Community.
  • Serving the Lord in discipleship, Shalom Community
  • To serve… listen, Community N.S. of Czestochowa
  • The Magnificat Community in the Salerno area.
  • “Community: sign of love,” by Antonio Vella
  • TESTIMONIES “Dear Married Brothers…”
  • “You transformed my pain.”
  • “Jesus spoke to my heart.”
  • “Meeting Jesus”
  • CHURCH MISSIONARY COMMUNITY Community is called to fight, Community of Jesus


July 1992

Number 34

“…that they may all be one” (Jn. 14:21)

  • Let us pray together
  • Editorial
  • National Service Committee, Community Commission, by Angelo Civalleri
  • “Love of God” community, “At the heart of fraternity: total giving”
  • Community of Our Lady of Czestochowa, “Let us open the doors of our hearts.
  • Community “Magnificat,” “You made me like a prodigy.”
  • Community “SS. Eucharist,” “How the community lives the brotherhood.”
  • ‘Magnificat’ community, ‘Following him is possible’
  • The “Shalom” Community
  • Testimonies “The Ministry of Mary”
  • Papers “Community and Fasting,” by Peter Checconi
  • Rubrics “Fathers teach us how to live community,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “Christian Community: source and origin,” by Fr. Ricardo Argañaraz.


October 1992

Number 35

  • Let us pray together
  • Editorial
  • “Magnificat” Community – Turin, “”Poverty” as a rule of life.”
  • “Shalom” community, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…”
  • Community “SS. Eucharist,” “How the community lives ‘poverty’”
  • Testimonies “Give and you will be given”
  • “Agnus Dei” opera.
  • “The Lord is the only builder.”
  • We receive. “Community “David’s Sprout””
  • “Community “Upper Room””
  • “R.n.S.” group. – Varese
  • Rubrics “Fathers teach us how to live community,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “Communities: some essential considerations,” by Fr. Ricardo Argañaraz.


December 1992

Number 36

“”I salute you, O full of grace, the Lord is with you.””

  • Let us pray together
  • Editorial
  • “St. John the Baptist” Community, “Prayer: fulcrum of community life”
  • “The Sprout of David” community, “Wisdom as a Community Experience.”
  • “Shalom” Community, “Community as the Wisdom of God in the World”
  • Community “SS. Eucharist,” “Human Wisdom and Divine Wisdom.”
  • The Community “Our Lady of Czestochowa”
  • Testimonials “The Experience of a Redaction”
  • “It was April 3, 1981.”
  • We receive from. “Community “of Jesus””
  • Rubrics “Fathers teach us how to live community,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti


April 1993

Number 37

Still rising

  • Let us pray together
  • Editorial
  • “Serving Unity.”
  • “Some Considerations on Unity”
  • “Magnificat” Community – Foggia, “Father, may they all be one, so that the world may believe.”
  • “St. Joseph” Community – Terni, “The sources of unity”
  • “N.S. of Czestochowa” Community, “If you want peace, meet the poor”
  • “Sprout of David” community, “Wounds that lead to division”
  • The “Love of God” Community
  • Testimonies “Forgiveness is essential to unity”
  • “Still Rising”
  • We receive from. “Upper Room” Community.
  • Rubrics “Fathers teach us how to live community,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti


July 1993

Number 38

“I am the First and the Last and the Living.”

  • Let us pray together
  • Editorial
  • “Humility is the insignia of Christ’s kingship.”
  • “Woman Clothed in the Sun” community, “Christ’s Kingship Our Inheritance”
  • Community “N.S. of Czestochowa,” “Living in Community, Jesus Becomes the King of My Life”
  • “John the Baptist” Community, “Jesus is the King of the Community, Body of Christ”
  • Community “SS. Eucharist,” “Christ’s Kingship Lived in Community.”
  • “St. Joseph” Community, “The Word of God: a King who serves and abides forever”
  • “On My Birthday” testimonies


April 1994

Number 39

“The Eucharist Makes Community.”

  • Let us pray together
  • Editorial
  • St. Joseph Community, “The Eucharist in Community Life.”
  • “Magnificat” Community – Turin, “The Eucharist in the life of the community member.”
  • Koinonia John the Baptist, “Eucharistic sacrifice is implemented in daily love.”
  • “The Eucharist Makes Community,” by Fr. Luigi Nardella
  • “Magnificat” Community – Turin, “God my … enemy.”
  • Testimonies “From Group to Community because … eternal is his mercy”
  • “Covenant Day, Glory to You, Lord, You perform wonders, You are God.”
  • “The Hidden Life of Jesus”
  • Rubrics “The Fathers Teach Us to Live the Community,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti


April-June 1994

Number 40

“Family and Community.”

  • EDITORIAL Inserted into the current…
  • THE FAMILY AND THE COMMUNITY The “place” of love and communion, by Agnese Mezzetti Bettelli
  • ..
    cellula della comunità, di Gino Mancano
  • Interview with Don Franco Tallarico and Don Gregorio E., edited by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • Testimonies Keeping, revealing, communicating love
  • We want to be an open family
  • Full fulfillment of the law is Love
  • COMMUNITIES FROM THE WORLD The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities, A Moment in History
  • We interviewed for you Brian Smith, president of the Catholic Fraternity.


July-September 1994

Number 41


  • EDITORIAL …let’s listen in.
  • MALE AND FEMALE CREATED THEM “… male and female God created them,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Family evangelizing community, by Bishop Giuseppe Casale
  • Masculinity and Femininity in the Magisterium of John Paul II, edited by Dario Sacchini
  • Testimonials A “new” family
  • The six talents
  • “I discovered the secret to building my family: being a pitochus!”
  • NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITY A camp to remember
  • A different kind of vacation… in Sibari


October-December 1994

Number 42

“The Community, Place of Mercy.”

  • EDITORIAL What community?
    The journey continues…
  • Communion in the community of men, by Don Antonio Zennaro
  • REVIEW The Community, a Place of Forgiveness and Celebration
  • THE COMMUNITY, PLACE OF MISERCORDY At the heart of Christian spirituality: the mystery of mercy, by Fr. Renato Tisot
  • Beloved… we love, by Msgr. Mariano Magrassi
  • Mercy-the morning star, by Carlo Alberto Simonetti
  • Interview, Tell us about Mercy…, edited by Luciano Castro
  • A message for you, Listen…
  • COMMUNITIES FROM THE WORLD Holy Father encourages Catholic fraternity
  • NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITIES The Community of Jesus of the R.n.S. of Bari has become a member of the Catholic Fraternity of Pontifical Right
  • I will make you my bride…
  • A meaningful meeting


January-March 1995

Number 43

“COMMUNITY PRAYER: Foundation of Charismatic Community.”

“In service to evangelization” insert/dossier: SATANISM AND MODERN MUSIC.

  • Editorial Face to face with God, by Orestes Pesare
  • Commission for Communities informs The heart of the righteous will rejoice in the Lord, by Angelo Civalleri
  • COMMUNITY PRAYER foundation of charismatic community Let us rebuild the Temple of the Lord in Community, by Corrado Di Gennaro
  • So many voices one prayer
  • Word of God and community prayer, by Mariangela Menghini
  • Charismatic Community Adoration, by Fr. Gernaldo Conti
  • Community and community prayer, by Mary Tortonese
  • INTERVIEW “Without prayer there is no community life,” by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • TESTIMONIES A community that prays
  • A wonderful adventure
  • Our “yes”
  • Sharing joys and sorrows
  • Every meeting becomes a party


April-June 1995

Number 44

“MEN OF PRAYER To Build Charismatic Community.”

“At the Service of Evangelization” insert/dossier: New religiosity and new religious movements, edited by CESNUR

  • Editorial Living Inside, by Oreste Pesare
  • Commission for communities informs Su, get to work, by Angelo Civalleri
  • MEN OF PRAYER to build the Charismatic Community Let us Pray Brothers, by H.E. Msgr. Andrea Gemma
  • Personal Prayer, by Fr. Valter Arrigoni
  • Never Enough, by Alberto Aprile
  • Prayer in Solitude, by Fr. Dionigi Giordano
  • The material conditions of prayer, by Fr.
    Jacques Philippe
  • Personal Prayer: a love of war, by Carlo Alberto Simonetti
  • INTERVIEW Choosing the best part
  • TESTIMONIES Summit and Horizons.
  • Personal prayer and community
  • I don’t look at the clock anymore
  • In my prayer I bless God to bless the brethren.
  • THE WORD TO THE CHURCH edited by Luigi Mancano
  • FROM COMMUNITIES It is only the beginning
  • In Salerno, communion spreads like wildfire
  • Bringing light to the ends of the Kingdom
  • WE HAVE READ FOR YOU by Marisa Longo


July-September 1995

Number 45


“At the Service of Evangelization” insert/dossier: New religiosity and new religious movements, edited by CESNUR, 2nd part

  • EDITORIAL To build up God’s people, by Orestes Pesare
  • THE COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITIES INFORMATION A lover’s dream…, by Angelo Civalleri
  • PRAISE BUILDS GOD’S PEOPLE Praise in the life of the Christian, by Bruna Pernice
  • … in praise of his glory, by Franco Zagagnoni
  • A.A. worshippers wanted, by Goeffrey Allen
  • The fullness of prayer, by Claude Lopez
  • Perfect Gladness the fruit of a life of praise
  • I choose to praise you, Lord, by Dino De Dominicis
  • INTERVIEW How can one praise God even in pain?
    By Giancarlo Giordano
  • TESTIMONIES If you praise you will see the glory of God
  • THE WORD TO THE CHURCH edited by Luigi Mancano
  • FROM THE COMMUNITIES Under the banner of fraternity and conviviality.
  • COMMUNITIES FROM THE WORLD Interview: “What the world rejects we welcome” by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • FATHERS TEACH US TO LIVE COMMUNITY edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • WE HAVE READ FOR YOU by Marisa Longo


October-December 1995

Number 46

… A braccia alzate. Chiamati all’intercessione

“At the Service of Evangelization” insert/dossier: New religiosity and new religious movements, edited by CESNUR, 3rd part

  • EDITORIAL Where is your brother?
    By Orestes Pesare
  • THE COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITIES INFORMATION Hurry up, my people, by Angelo Civalleri

    CHIAMATI ALL’INTERCESSIONE La preghiera di intercessione nella comunità, di Fr.
    Roberto Fusco
  • Intercession, a prayer full of virtues, by Fr. Valter Arrigoni
  • The prayer of intercession, by Fr.
    Raniero Cantalamessa

  • Io prego per loro, di Nadia Vincenzi
  • Intercession in the community, by John Chrysostom
  • Communities with arms raised, by Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • INTERVIEW Mediators between God and man, by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • TESTIMONIES Absorbed by life
  • Prayer for all
  • Intercessory Prayer: Foundation of the Charismatic Community
  • THE WORD TO THE CHURCH edited by Luigi Mancano
  • FROM THE COMMUNITIES The Magnificat Community of RnS increasingly rooted in the Church.
  • COMMUNITIES FROM THE WORLD Catholic Charismatic Communities from around the world gathered in Fortaleza – Brazil
  • Pope to Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Associations
  • FATHERS TEACH US TO LIVE COMMUNITY Intercessory prayer by Tarcisio Mezzetti


January-March 1996

Number 47

ALLEGIANS WITH GOD AND BROTHERS The covenant in the charismatic community.

“At the Service of Evangelization” insert/dossier: New religiosity and new religious movements, edited by CESNUR, 4th part

  • EDITORIAL A stepping stone to eternity, by Oreste Pesare
  • THE COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITIES INFORMATION What is community, by Angelo Civalleri
  • ALLEGIANS WITH GOD AND BROTHERS Covenant communities: new monasticism?
    by Fr. Gernaldo Conti, fdp
  • The covenant between JHWH and the people in the Bible, by Fr. Patrizio Rota Scalabrini
  • A new alliance, by Fr.
    Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Covenant Communities: how and why of the Catholic Fraternity, by Brian Smith
  • The steps of the path leading to the Covenant, by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • Fruit of the Covenant: the testimony of fraternal life, by a brother from the Community of the Beatitudes
  • Covenant Communities in the RnS, by Stefano Ragnacci
  • INTERVIEW Face-to-face with Don Bruno Forte, by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • TESTIMONIES Come and follow me
  • “Allies” for the battle
  • “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jer. 31:3)
  • Rainbow lights
  • … a new alliance
  • THE WORD TO THE CHURCH edited by Luigi Mancano
  • FROM THE COMMUNITIES “We thank the Lord for what he has given us.
  • … I discovered that I am loved
  • FATHERS TEACH US TO LIVE COMMUNITY Intercessory prayer by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • WE HAVE READ FOR YOU by Marisa Longo


April-June 1996

Number 48


“At the Service of Evangelization” insert/dossier: New religiosity and new religious movements, edited by CESNUR, 5th part

  • EDITORIAL Imitators of Christ, by Orestes Pesare
  • THE COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITIES INFORMATION The community place and subject of mission, by Angelo Civalleri
  • THE DISCIPLED IN THE COMMUNITY Following in the evangelist Mark: from listening to mission, by Msgr. Luciano Pacomio
  • Becoming a disciple, by José Prado Flores
  • The call to discipleship, by Nikol Baldacchino
  • The identikit of the disciple, by Corrado Di Gennaro
  • Mutual Submission in the Community, by Anna Rita Bagianti
  • Disciple relationships, by Massimo Roscini
  • She looked at him and loved him, by Luigi Pierrotti
  • Sitting with Levi at the tax booth, by Giacomo Violi
  • He who does the will of my Father, by Franco Zagagnoni
  • INTERVIEW Ten questions to.
    Giovanni Traettino, by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • THE WORD TO THE CHURCH edited by Luigi Mancano
  • FROM COMMUNITIES Called to serve
  • Recognition of the Holy See to the Catholic Fraternity
  • Toward the Jubilee of the Year 2000
  • COMMUNITIES FROM THE WORLD The History of the Catholic Fraternity.
  • Brian Smith to Pontifical Council for the Laity
  • FATHERS TEACH US TO LIVE COMMUNITY Discipleship by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • WE HAVE READ FOR YOU by Marisa Longo


July-September 1996

Number 49


“At the Service of Evangelization” insert/dossier: New religiosity and new religious movements, edited by CESNUR, 6th part

  • EDITORIAL In communion, by Orestes Pesare
  • THE COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITIES INFORMATION Nostalgia of a meeting, by Angelo Civalleri
  • THE COMMUNION OF GOODS God has imprinted in man the need for communion, by H.E. Msgr. G. Casale
  • You cannot serve God and mammon, by H.E. Msgr. G. M. Bregantini
  • Those who lose their lives will find them, by Gino Mancano
  • Community, gift of the Holy Spirit, by Orestes Pesare
  • The Life of the Trinity in the World, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • In communion with God and the brethren, by Nunzio Langiulli
  • INTERVIEW Ten questions to the Nomadelfia community, by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • TESTIMONIES To make community, G. Schillizzi
  • The good that awaits us, Fr.
    Alberto Onofri F.F.B.
  • THE WORD TO THE CHURCH edited by Luigi Mancano
  • COMMUNITIES FROM THE WORLD The 7th International Meeting of the Catholic Fraternity of Covenant Communities.
  • FATHERS TEACH US TO LIVE COMMUNITY Discipleship by Tarcisio Mezzetti


October-December 1996

Number 50


“At the Service of Evangelization” insert/dossier: New religiosity and new religious movements, edited by CESNUR, 7th part

  • EDITORIAL A People of Consecrated Persons, by Orestes Pesare
  • THE COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITIES INFORMS All Communities…, by Angelo Civalleri
  • VOTES AND PROMISES The “Community,” the “World” and the value of “Promises”: reflections on an experience of God, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Charismatic Renewal and covenant communities: a gift from God for His Church, by H.E. Msgr. Paul Josef Cordes
  • Religious Life and Ecclesial Movements, by Jesus Castellano Cervera, o.d.c.
  • Charismatic communities: new peoples consecrated to love, by Carmela Valentino
  • TESTIMONIES The “Promise” in Community, Nanni and Elena
  • My promises, Fortunato
  • THE WORD TO THE CHURCH edited by Luigi Mancano
  • FROM THE COMMUNITIES Toward the Great Jubilee
  • FATHERS TEACH US TO LIVE COMMUNITY Promises instrument of ascetic life by Tarcisio Mezzetti


January-March 1997

Number 51

The charismatic communities of the RnS

Insert “1st National Convocation of RnS Communities”

  • Editorial, Praise the Lord, by Orestes Pesare
  • Communities Commission informs, Communities, ripe fruit of the RnS, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Ancilla Domini Community Bethany House
  • Community of the Beatitudes
  • Community of Jesus
  • Living God Community
  • Jesus Light Community
  • Magnificat Community
  • Community of Our Lady of Czestochowa
  • St. Joseph Community
  • Shalom Community


April-June 1997

Number 52

RnS charismatic communities 2

1st National Gathering of RnS Covenant Communities.

  • Editorial, Because eternal is his mercy, by Orestes Pesare
  • Communities Commission informs, Being “apron” communities, by Angelo Civalleri
  • 1st National RnS Community Gathering
  • Adveniat Community
  • Amen Community
  • Community of the Most Holy Eucharist
  • Community of Jesus
  • Emanuel Community
  • Fraternity The Love of God
  • Community of the Fraternity of the Little Family of the Holy Trinity
  • David’s Sprout Community
  • Burning Bush Community


July-September 1997

Number 53

“Prepare the way for the Lord” SPECIAL NUMBER: Photos Interviews Comments All about the first national gathering of RnS Covenant Communities June 7-8, 1997

  • Editorial, Let’s party, by Oreste Pesare
  • Community: Act One, by Luciano Castro
  • Charismatic Communities, ferment in the Church and for the Church, by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • “Prepare the way for the Lord,” by Joseph Piegai
  • On the Roads of the New Evangelization, by Joseph Piegai
  • Conclusions: Now I know, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Charism, the Spirit?
    A “beautiful” problem, interview with Msgr. J. P. Cordes
  • Communities: prophecy of grace for the church, interview with Kim Collins
  • An exhilarating journey, interview with Angelo Civalleri
  • Here is the future of RnS, interview with Giorgio Amodeo
  • What about after the effusion?
    The Community, interview with Fr. Dino Foglio
  • Communities, at the right time in the Church, interview with Matteo Calisi
  • Monks for the third millennium, interview with Orestes Pesare
  • The Voice of Communities
  • Read more
  • Who was there–in one way or another.


October-December 1997

Number 54

Like Jesus – The Community Body of Christ

Read more special insert: TORONTO BLESSING, texts by Fr.
Joseph Bentivegna, Msgr. Vincent Walsh, CNS of Germany

  • Editorial Yeast to ferment dough, by Oreste Pesare
  • Like Jesus We are the Body of Christ, by Francesca Greco
  • The Community, Body of Christ, is Charismatic, by Luigi Montesi
  • “… as I did… so do you,” by Bruna Pernice
  • Already and not yet – Community eschatological sign, by f.
    Luigi Ruggiero
  • The Community: Body of Christ – The Word of the Church Fathers, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Church: Body of Christ – The Word of the Magisterium, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • The Commission for Communities informs Communion and Announcement, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Letter from Salvatore Martinez to Community Leaders
  • Ready to serve – Assisi November 29/30, 1997, by Lino Mitoli
  • News the Pope, the Movements, the Holy Spirit – Pentecost with the Holy Father, by Joseph Piegai
  • Becoming Community – Why, When, How, Who, by Massimo Roscini
  • “L’amore de Dio me cuna” – Testimony from the earthquake, by Sister Elena


January-March 1998

Number 55

Come Holy Spirit – Fruit of Pentecost is Community

Insert by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa: These are the Communities that the Spirit has raised up!

  • Editorial, A hidden treasure, by Oreste Pesare
  • Fruit of Pentecost is Community The Holy Spirit the gift of love in the Trinity and Community, by Fr. Renzo Lavatori
  • The Holy Spirit Womb of God, by Fr. Valter Maria Arrigoni
  • The Holy Spirit, Life in the Community, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Come Holy Spirit, the need for continuous invocation, by Paolo Bartoccini
  • The certain Word of the Church, the Magisterium conveys the faith to us, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • The Holy Spirit, life of the Church, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Commission for Communities informs Here I Am! by Angelo Civalleri
  • The Spirit that gives life, by Antonio Lo Polito
  • Covenant Communities in and for the RnS, by Salvatore Martinez
  • Charismatic Philocalia by Fr. Joseph Bentivegna S.J.: The Fathers “stable and perennial structure” in the Church
  • The testimony of St. Irenaeus
  • Testimony “Jubilate you all, servants of God,” by Moreno Tini


Harpile-June 1998

Number 56

What the Spirit says… Word – Tradition – Magisterium

  • Editorial, The Lord speaks: silence every mortal, by Joseph Piegai
  • … what the Spirit says…
    The Lord speaks, by Fr. Dionigi Giordano
  • The mystery of the Bible and its reading, as the voice of the Spirit, by Fr. Carlo Colonna S.J.
  • Prophetic Charism and Instrument Discernment in the Community, by Corrado Di Gennaro
  • Staying in prophecy with the risk of action, by Diana Trovò
  • The Holy Spirit Inspirer of the Bible, Tradition and Magisterium, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Word-Sacraments: life for the Fathers, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Commission for Communities informs Castelfusano…new life for communities, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Charismatic Philocalia edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S.J.: The testimony of St. Clement Roman
  • Testimonies “Community prophecy of life,” by Francesca Boanelli
  • “Fraternity, joy, sharing…,” by Ignatius H.M.
  • News Magnificat Community Initiatives, by Stefano Ragnacci
  • We read for you: Let the Spirit move you, edited by Marisa Longo


July-September 1998

Number 57

CHARISMS AND MINISTERS – work of the Holy Spirit.

  • Editorial Charisma or Institution?
    By Orestes Pesare
  • charisms and ministries work of the Holy Spirit Charisms and Ministries in the Christian Community, by Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • Fruit of charisms is evangelization, by Dino De Dominicis
  • Charisms Gift to the Community for the Church, by Nunzio Langiulli
  • Charisms in the Church, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Charisms and the Church, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • God’s work in ministries – Testimonies: In the mystery of pain the ministry of Charity, by Piera – Amen Community – Rome
  • Re-establishing the tent of David, by Massimo Partipilo – Community of Jesus – Bari
  • The Commission for Communities informs, Faithful to the Holy Spirit, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Charismatic Philocalia edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S.J.: The Testimony of St. Clement Roman – Part IIa
  • Testimonies, From Depression to New Life, by Rina – Community of Jesus – Bari
  • The love of the brothers is the love of Jesus that liberates, by Rita – Foggia
  • News, Four pylons for four promises, by Adria Maffei Nazzaro
  • Insert, Family and Community: is it possible to live them in harmony?
    text by Maria Rita Castellani


October-December 1998

Number 58

HOLY through the SPIRIT – the sanctifying work of the Spirit in the Community

  • Editorial, Only one thing you lack, by Orestes Pesare
  • Saints through the Spirit, Called to holiness: God’s initiative, man’s response, by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Called to serve: like Jesus, to give ourselves to our brothers and sisters, by Agnese Mezzetti
  • Called to commitment: the Four Promises, gift of the Spirit way to become holy, by Joseph Piegai
  • The holiness of God’s people, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • The Holy Spirit Sanctifies the Community, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Commission for Communities informs, Faithful in trial to be disciples, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Charismatic Philocalia by Father Joseph Bentivegna S.J.: The Witness of Origen
  • Testimony, The Word of God fulfills what it promises, by Concetta Tanganelli – Cortona
  • News, The Community of Jesus in celebration!
    The Bylaws have been finally approved, by Joseph Piegai
  • “Let fire descend upon us again,” a correspondence from the ICCRS Conference of Leaders, by Amerigo Vecchiarelli


I – 1999

Number 59

On the way to the Father

  • Editorial, Let’s go home! by Joseph Piegai
  • On our way to the Father, We have believed in the Father’s love, by Father Mario Panciera scj
  • “She saw him and … ran to meet him,” by H. E. Msgr. Joseph Casale
  • God’s love has been poured into our hearts, by Stefano Ragnacci
  • The Heart of a Father, by Lucia Bellocchia – Community of Jesus (TO)
  • Church leads to Jesus, Jesus reveals the Father, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • God, Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Commission for Communities informs, The Lord continues to build the house, by Angelo Civalleri
  • The novelty of the “Lord’s Prayer,” Prelude, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimony and Interview, On Freemasonry God’s Grace Triumphs! by Francis Mifsud
  • An Open Door Community, by Giancarlo Giordano with Handy Roy, Open Door Community


II – 1999

Number 60

Spreading God’s love, mission of the community

INSERT Interreligious dialogue, texts by H.E. Msgr. Michael Louis Fitzgerald (secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Interreligious Dialogue) and Matteo Calisi

  • Editorial, From love to love, by Joseph Piegai
  • Spreading God’s love, The “craft” of God: loving, by the Theological-Historical and Pastoral-Missionary Commissions of the Great Jubilee of 2000
  • The Community for the Salvation of the World, by Orestes Pesare
  • A place for mercy: the Community, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • God, Welcoming those in need, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Commission for Communities informs, Community is means of Christian perfection, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Charismatic Philocalia, “Our Father who art in heaven,” edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimony, From Grief to Grace, by Luisa Bellocchia and Jahweh-sham Fraternity – Community of Jesus (TO)


III – 1999

Number 61

Community place of reconciliation

  • Editorial, Let’s re-appropriate mercy, by Orestes Pesare
  • Community Place of Reconciliation, Reconciliation as Sacrament, by Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • Four hundred and ninety times, by Father Valter Maria Arrigoni
  • “… and I absolve you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…,” by Fr. Bart Pastor
  • Permanent Forgiveness, by Massimo Roscini
  • Forgive all…prayer of forgiveness, by Fr. Roberto De Grandis
  • Forgiveness: gift from above, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • From the forgiveness of God to the forgiveness of men, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Commission for Communities informs, The way of Communities: communion with the RnS, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The Testimony of Basil the Great, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, Interviews, Testimonies, An Interview, in memory of Fr. Emiliano Tardif, by Giancarlo Giordano
  • I saw an angel…, by Tarcisio Mezzetti – Magnificat Community


IV – 1999

Number 62

Community arms of the Father to welcome the last

  • Editorial, Beware of the last…! by Oreste Pesare
  • Community arms of the Father to welcome the last From Servant to Son, by Don Renzo Lavatori
  • … I was hungry, by Father Valter Maria Arrigoni
  • Amen, by Maria Masucci
  • Community welcomes those in need, by Sr. Gemma Scognamiglio
  • The Great Gift of Jubilee, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • None among them were needy, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, “Captions” or guidelines for the practice of charisms in early Christian communities, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimonies, Flooded by the Father’s Mercy, by the RnS Covenant Communities: Beatitudes – Magnificat – Holy Trinity P. F. – Burning Bush
  • I found a home, Patrizia
  • I have returned to my Father, Holy
  • Healed by the Father’s love, Carmela
  • I found strength in the Community, Letizia
  • What I saw, Marco
  • Experience of Fraternity and the Love of God, Isabella, Pina, Rosaria
  • I have experienced God’s embrace in the embrace of brothers, Patrizia


I – 2000

Number 63

… take and eat … Eucharist makes Community through consecration

  • Editorial, Everything is possible to God (Even our conversion), by Joseph Piegai
  • … take and eat…
    They recognized him at the breaking of the bread, by Don Luca Bartoccini
  • This is my body offered for you, by Father Raniero Cantalamessa
  • The gift of Jesus in the Eucharist, by Fr. Bart Pastor
  • Eucharist, basis of community life, by Alberto Aprile and Corrado Di Gennaro
  • … you gave us a Bread descended from Heaven…, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • The Eucharist consecrates us, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Commission for Communities informs Those who fear the Lord are always great, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Charismatic Philocalia, “Captions” or guidelines for the practice of charisms in early Christian communities – Part II, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimony – News, “In the desert I will speak to your heart,” by Liliana – Arezzo
  • Those of the Eucharist – V Retreat and I National Convention of the Magnificat Community, by Stefano Ragnacci – “He who eats of me will live for me” – by Luigi Montesi – “Everything is possible for those who worship and eat Jesus.”


II – 2000

Number 64

… me in them and you in me … the Eucharist makes Community through communion

  • Editorial, Man is what he eats, by Orestes Pesare
  • … me in them and you in me … “Whoever eats of me will live by me,” by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • The Eucharist personal and community support, by Fr. Anthony Neri
  • The offering of Jesus: his body for our salvation, by J. H. Prado Flores
  • Together with Jesus…always! by Wanda Rossi
  • Celebrating the Eucharist: making Communion, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • The Eucharist: force of evangelization, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Conditions for following Jesus – Part I, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, The time of sowing and reaping, Letter to Communities by Angelo Civalleri
  • Poverty Chastity Obedience: the three “vows” of Christian Marriage, by Maria Rita Castellani


III – 2000

Number 65

Contemplation and action, the Eucharist makes Community through adoration and imitation

  • Editorial, Being with Jesus to go to the brethren, by Joseph Piegai
  • Contemplation and action Eucharist, sign and bond of charity, by Msgr. Giuseppe Casale
  • From the Eucharist to Pentecost, by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Recognize that the Lord is God, by Father Raniero Cantalamessa
  • From the Eucharist the Community, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • From contemplation to action, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The conditions for following Jesus – Part II, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, Interviews, Testimonies, Catholic Fraternity in Convention in Bari, by Editors
  • Here’s what the Pope is asking of Covenant Communities, Bishop Stanislaw Rylko’s speech ala Catholic Fraternity Conference
  • …from genocide to forgiveness…, testimony of Yvonne Solange – Emmanuel Community
  • Interviews with: Brian Smith, Msgr. Carlos Talavera, Matteo Calisi, by Editors.
  • Introduction to Laudes Deo – Review of the Catholic Fraternity, by Bob Healy
  • I will give you shepherds according to my heart, by the Editorial Board
  • In memory of Vita: thank you! by Tarcisio Mezzetti


IV – 2000

Number 66

Maràna thà! the Eucharist makes Community through waiting on the Lord

  • Editorial, Bread from Heaven, by Orestes Pesare
  • Maràna thà Our homeland instead is in the heavens, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Time has become short, by Fr. Francesco Mazzitelli
  • Called to look up, by Luigi Montesi
  • Waiting for the new heavens we work for the Kingdom of Justice, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • On this earth we are only pilgrims, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “Come blessed by my Father…,” by Anna Maria Alunni
  • Life of Communities Letter to all RnS Communities, by Angelo Civalleri
  • Shalôm Community: diary of a journey, by the Shalôm Community
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The Prayer for Healing, by Father Giuseppe Bentivegna S. J. Interview, News, “My food, Lord, is to do your will,” Interview, by Corrado Di Gennaro, by Giuseppe Piegai
  • A very “special” subscriber: Vittorio Messori, by the Editorial Board


I – 2001

Number 67

You, who do you say I am?

  • Editorial, The joy of sharing, by Oreste Pesare
  • “You, who do you say that I am?” “You, who do you say that I am?” by H.H. John Paul II
  • History and faith to see Jesus, by H.E. Msgr. Joseph Casale
  • Evangelism in the power of the Holy Spirit, by Charles Whitehead
  • A great desire to proclaim Jesus, by Moysés Azevedo
  • From the Evangelizing Christ to the Evangelizing Church, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • “Who Do You Say I Am?” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti.
  • Trusting Jesus, to answer him, together, yes, Interview, with H. E. Msgr. Francesco Lambiasi, edited by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • Charismatic Philocalia, “You, who do you say that I am?”
    Answers from the Fathers of the Church, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world” The Christian meaning of work, edited by Efisio Bova
  • Testimony “What shall I render to the Lord, for what He has done to me?” by Elizabeth and Roberto Marcolini


II – 2001

Number 68

Jesus Christ true man

  • Editorial, A “nice” stretch of road, by Joseph Piegai
  • Jesus Christ: true man Jesus Christ, the new man, edited by Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • Jesus Christ, obedient unto death, by Father Carlo Colonna S.J.
  • Obeying is better than sacrifice, by Luigi Montesi
  • From sorrow to the service of God, by John and Nina Severo
  • Why the pain?
    Edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Jesus the new man! edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Jesus, an exceptionally perfect man, Interview, with H.E. Card.
    Giacomo Biffi, edited by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • Jesus, a friend capable of taking our suffering, Interview, by Br.
    Enzo Bianchi, edited by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Believers witness to the world the presence of Jesus, “You, who do you say that I am?”
    Answers from the Church Fathers – Part Two, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world” Charity and politics, edited by Efisio Bova
  • News, The Pope’s message to the Renewal Alliance Communities, by Francesca Acito


III – 2001

Number 69

Jesus Christ true God

  • Editorial, Do you believe in the Son of God?
    by Orestes Pesare
  • Jesus Christ: true God Do you believe?
    Edited by Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • The Bones of the Crucifix, by Vittorio Messori
  • Don’t put faith in every inspiration, by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Hinduism and occultism, a witness recounts, by Father Joseph-Marie Verlinde
  • Jesus Christ, only savior of the world, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Jesus is true God, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The rediscovery of faith in Jesus Christ true God, Way – Truth – Life, Interview, with Don Bruno Forte, edited by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Jesus, true God, sets the captives free, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world” Taste of Salt, edited by Efisio Bova.


IV – 2001

Number 70

Jesus Christ a Person

  • Editorial, … Is it him you seek…, by Orestes Pesare
  • Jesus Christ: a person The sublime knowledge of Christ, edited by Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • “Master, where do you live?””Come and see,” by Joseph Piegai
  • … pray unceasingly…, by Father Andrea Gasparino
  • The Mission of Jesus, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Jesus, friend and support of the believer, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “Seek Jesus,” Interview, with Father Andrea Gasparino, edited by Giuseppe Piegai
  • Charismatic philochalia, Jesus affirms his personality, edited by Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world.”
    Lord, when have we ever seen you?
    edited by Efisio Bova
  • News, interviews, commentary, Communities in and of the RnS, text of the Guidelines for RnS animators on Communities
  • “A Call in the Call,” Interview, with Maria Tortonese
  • “A Very Important Stage,” Interview, with Corrado Di Gennaro
  • “A Great First Step,” Interview, with Orestes Pesare
  • “Communities are Constitutive of RnS,” Interview, with Matteo Calisi
  • “The Same Family,” Interview, with Fabio Calandrella
  • “A novelty on the level of communion,” Interview, with Bruna Pernice
  • “A Prison or. An opportunity,” commentary by Stefano Ragnacci
  • If God dreams something, then, his dream becomes reality! by Lorenza Alessandri
  • The Agnus Dei Fraternity, by Francesca Acito


I – 2002

Number 71

He spoke to us in the Son, the mystery of God’s Word in salvation history

  • Editorial, Orestes Pesare
  • He spoke to us in the Son, the mystery of God’s Word in salvation history General Managers of the Magnificat Community
  • The Word became flesh, Msgr. Joseph Casale
  • “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it,” Stephen Ragnacci
  • “With Jesus, on Jesus, build,” Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Dei Verbum – the Word of God, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Obedience to Jesus Christ, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The family in light of the word of Jesus, Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world” The Christian and power, Efisio Bova


II – 2002

Number 72

Servants of the Word, the word of God in the life of the Community

  • Editorial, The sower went out to sow, Orestes Pesare
  • Servants of the Word, the Word of God in the Life of the Community Father Raniero Cantalamessa
  • “As I have done, so do you,” Father Carlo Colonna S. J.
  • The Review of Life, Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • Servant of the Word – The Magisterium transmits the faith to us, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • The Word of God in the Life of the Community, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • That Day the Word of God Exploded Inside Me, Interview, by Father Raniero Cantalamessa by Giuseppe Piegai
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The Word of the Lord guides the path of every community, Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world” The everyday: a place of encounter with God, Efisio Bova
  • Reflections, Testimonies, Spiritual accompaniment in Community, A valuable pedagogical tool, Maria Rita Castellani


III – 2002

Number 73

The inspired word, speaks the Lord, silence every mortal

  • Editorial, Hallelujah!
    The Lord speaks to us, Joseph Piegai
  • The Holy Spirit and the Word Father Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Initiation into Prophecy, Bruce Yocum
  • “It is the Word of God,” edited by Luigi Mancano.
  • The Word is inspired by God, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • A Word at Every Step…, Interview, in Leonardo Mondadori by Giuseppe Piegai
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The charism of inspired song, Father Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world” Called to educate, Efisio Bova
  • Testimonies, and News, the “beauty” of Fraternity, Group and Community Burning Bush
  • Kairòs 2002: “Europe Rise Up!”
    Jesus Community of Bari


IV – 2002

Number 74

On your Word I will cast my nets

  • Editorial, Life is a wonderful gift, Orestes Pesare
  • On your Word I will cast my nets Community Leaders Magnificat
  • Obedience to God in the Christian Life, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • While I was praying a “voice” asked me, Tarcisio Mezzetti.
  • Obeying the Word of God, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • On your Word I will cast the net, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic philochalia, Taking off on the Word of the Lord, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • “In the world, but not of the world” Ready for every good work, Efisio Bova
  • Testimonies, and News, Pray and make pray, Maurizio and Francesca Spagnoletti
  • A CD that converts those who make it, Alfio and Maria Luisa
  • From Milan to America (and vice versa), Lorenzo Capezzali
  • Holy Father’s Message to Catholic Fraternity
  • An important appointment: Matteo Calisi is the new president of the Catholic Fraternity


I – 2003

Number 75

“He went out the sower to sow…” The different reception of the Word

  • Editorial, Hallelujah!
    The Lord is speaking to us! Joseph Piegai
  • “He went out the sower to sow…”
    From seed to fruit Magnificat Community Leaders
  • God speaks to us, Stefano Ragnacci
  • Feed them yourself, Daniela Monni
  • The secrets of the parable of the sower, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The true glory of Jesus crucified and risen, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimonies, and News, Has returned to the house of the Father Brian Smith, Nunzio Langiulli
  • Remembrance of Brian, Orestes Pesare
  • Inside the handicap, Don Gernaldo Conti fdp


II – 2003

Number 76

He came up and grew, announcing in hope

  • Editorial, A seed to sow, Orestes Pesare
  • “He came up and grew…”
    Alive and effective is the Word of God, edited by Anthony Montagna
  • The sower’s wager, General Managers of the Magnificat Community.
  • The New Evangelization the Challenge of the Third Millennium, Nikol Baldacchino
  • Nothing can stop us, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • Announcing the Word in hope, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Jesus and the “good earth” of our hope, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Special Communion and Mission in the Italian Church, I National Conference of the Catholic Fraternity


III – 2003

Number 77

He called them to stay with him, the first mission of the Community

  • Editorial, Being with Jesus, Orestes Pesare
  • I call them that they might be with him.” Community mission: called to give life to the world, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • The biblical foundation of communion in the early Christian community, Msgr. Mauro Orsatti
  • Fraternal life: first mission of the Community, Massimo Roscini
  • Building the body of Christ: a daily work, Francesca Acito
  • I have called you to be with me, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • “He constituted twelve of them to be with him” (Mk. 3:14), edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “Be Witnesses of Communion,” Interview, Father Enzo Bianchi by Amerigo Vecchiarelli
  • Charismatic philocalia, The charism of dance, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, Death of Fr. Domenico Pincelli, co-founder of Shalom Community
  • Testimonials, A “charismatic” vacation


IV – 2003

Number 78

He called them to send them out to preach, to proclaim the gospel to every creature

  • Editorial, Propagating Joy, Orestes Pesare
  • “I call them to send them out to preach” The Community’s Mission: proclaiming the Gospel, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • “Go into all the world…,” Corrado Di Gennaro
  • Mission: vocation to the gift of self, Br.
    Franco Buonamano OFM Conv.
  • Evangelization: a community experience, Enrico Versino
  • Bring my salvation to all, edited by Luigi Mancano
  • “… to send them to preach…,” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The charism of dance – part two, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimonies, I do everything for the Lord!


I – 2004

Number 79

Do you not know that you are God’s temple? Community God’s work and our work

  • Editorial, We are God’s house, Orestes Pesare
  • “Do you not know that you are God’s temple?”
    Cardinal virtues, tools for community building, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • “Be merciful as merciful is your Father,” Fr. Jean Jacques Boeglin CSSp
  • Builders and not just consumers of Community, Massimo Roscini
  • Community for me?
    Me for the Community! Joseph Piegai
  • “Do you not know that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” by Anthony Montagna
  • The Community, God’s work and our work, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Forgiveness, the believer’s duty and source of charisms, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimonies, The Community, a holy place for my sanctification
  • The Restoration of the Tent of David, Fourth International Conference of the Community of Jesus


II – 2004

Number 80

You will be my people – Identity and belonging

  • Editorial, Putting down roots, Orestes Pesare
  • “You will be my people” A belonging that becomes communion, Bishop Joseph Casale
  • Belonging and Redemption in the Word of God, Carlo Cerati
  • Identity and Belonging in the Community, General Managers of the Magnificat Community.
  • I belong to the people God has given me, Luigi Montesi
  • Discovering our identity, according to four “movements” of the Spirit, by Antonio Montagna
  • “You will be my people,” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • United in Jesus, sent into the world, Interview, with Michelle Moran, by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Perenniality of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the life of every true believer, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimonies, A belonging that overcomes all barriers
  • News, Operation Little Brother


III – 2004

Number 81

“You also come employed as living stones” Fraternal edification

  • Editorial, Living Stones, Orestes Pesare
  • You also come employed as living stones…” The Gospel of Mutual Love, Fr. Renzo Lavatori
  • The four faces of God’s love in biblical revelation, Father Carlo Colonna S. J.
  • Fraternal edification in Community, General Managers of the Magnificat Community.
  • The power of fraternal blessing, Stefano Ragnacci
  • The Christian community “Building of God,” edited by Anthony Montagna
  • “You too are employed as living stones,” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Signs of the Pentecostal outpouring of the Spirit, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, Operation Little Brother

IV – 2004

Number 82

“Everything was common among them” Sharing

  • Editorial, Is true communion possible? Orestes Pesare
  • “… everything was common among them” Eucharist and communion of the people of God, Fr. Mario Panciera S.C.J.
  • The biblical foundations of tithing, Jean Pliya
  • Fraternal Sharing in Community, General Managers of Magnificat Community.
  • We are ready to be “examined on love,” Amalia Quiroga
  • The principles of the Church’s social doctrine, edited by Antonio Montagna
  • “… everything was common among them,” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • From the hell of the street to the joy of resurrection, Interview, with Chiara Amirante by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, God and the healing of man’s ills, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Testimonies, Was Jesus that poor man who knocked on my door!


I – 2005

Number 83

“In Him every building grows well-ordered” The Church, God’s building.

  • Editorial, We, the house of God, Orestes Pesare
  • “In Him every building grows well ordered” God, His house and us, the “stones” of this house, Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • “In Him every building grows well-ordered,” Magnificat Community General Managers
  • “Let each person be careful how they build,” Daniele Mezzetti
  • Building Community in Christ, Daniela Saetta
  • The Communion of Saints, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • “In him you also, together with others, are edified,” by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Eucharist, Heart of the Church and Community, Interview, with Fr.
    Raniero Cantalamessa O.F.M. Cap. by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic philocalia, God and the healing of man’s ills – part two, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • Special Brooding Fiuggi, 11th International Conference of the Catholic Fraternity.
  • News, The official handover of the new Magnificat Community Charter
  • Testimonies, “I will bless the Lord at all times.”


II – 2005

Number 84

“One Body One Spirit” The Church, Body of Christ

  • Editorial, An opportunity to start over, Orestes Pesare
  • “One Body One Spirit” The Church, Body of Christ, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • “Though we are many, we are one body,” Enrico Versino
  • “Each member receives strength to edify himself in charity,” Magnificat Community General Managers
  • Mercy Builds Community, Orestes Pesare
  • Unity among the Movements in the Church, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • “One Body, One Spirit,” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti.
  • Jesus’ prayer, “Be one that the world may believe,” Interview, by Charles Whitehead by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Firstfruits of the Spirit in the Early Teachings of Benedict XVI, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, In memory of Fr.
    Mario Panciera
  • Testimonies, From Group to Community: on the way to communion in the spirit


III – 2005

Number 85

“Christ loved the Church” The Church, bride of Christ.

  • Editorial, Beloved of God, Orestes Pesare
  • “Christ loved the Church” The Church, bride of Christ, General Managers of the Magnificat Community.
  • The Bride of the New Adam, Fr. Carlo Colonna S.J.
  • “This mystery is great”: the family, domestic church, Maria Rita Castellani
  • The spousal attraction of the Church in recent times, Matthew Calisi
  • From the Church-structure to the Church-bride, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • “The Mystery of the Church as the ‘body’ and ‘bride’ of Christ,” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The liberating action of God’s loving gaze, Interview, to Jo Croissant by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The Charism of Christian Consolation, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, St. Manno: the realization of God’s plan for the community
  • Testimonies, Operation Little Brother: testimony of many newfound smiles


IV – 2005

Number 86

“Son, here is your Mother” The Church, mother.

  • Editorial, Gravid of Jesus, the mystery of Christmas, Orestes Pesare
  • “Christ loved the Church” The Mother Church, General Managers of the Magnificat Community.
  • Sons of the same mother, Fr. Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu O.F.M. Conv.
  • Giving birth to Christ in the world, Paul Bartoccini
  • The four promises of the Magnificat Community.
    Fast track or stumbling stone?
    Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The maternal vocation of the Church, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • “Son, here is your mother!” edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Church is mother (through those Christians who make themselves spiritual mothers and fathers), Interview, to Luigi Montesi by Giuseppe Piegai
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The charism of Christian consolation – part two: Testimonies, patristic, Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, I European Conference of the Catholic Fraternity
  • Testimonies, Really feeling like a bride of Christ


I – 2006

Number 87

“Rejoice, full of grace” Mary, full of God’s grace.

  • Editorial, Full of grace, Orestes Pesare
  • “Rejoice, full of grace” Mary, full of God’s grace, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • In him we have received grace upon grace…, Fr. Patrizio Rota Scalabrini
  • The Holy Spirit sets us free, Nikol Baldacchino
  • Saved by grace, Testimony of a brother ally of the Magnificat Community
  • Deus caritas est, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Mary, story of a normal girl, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Baptism in the Spirit, source of new life in grace, Interview with Fr. Renato Tisot, edited by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Cast all your cares upon God (1 Pet. 5:7), Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, News from the 6th Magnificat Community General Convention
  • The Community website is online!
  • Vigil of Pentecost with the Holy Father
  • Remembering Msgr. Dino Foglio and Diana Trovò


II – 2006

Number 88

“Blessed is she who believed” Mary, the full of faith

  • Editorial, Blessed in the image of Mary, Orestes Pesare
  • “Blessed is she who believed.”
    Mary’s greatness built on faith, Father Carlo Colonna S. J.
  • The Faith of Mary, Don Patrizio Rota Scalabrini
  • Mary, the full of faith, General Managers of the Magnificat Community
  • Blessed are those who though they have not seen will believe, Jessica and Attilio Simonte
  • Faith is born from an encounter, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Mary and the Style of God, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The power of faith and Mary’s intercession, Interview with Jean Pliya by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Blessed are the people who know how to jubilate (Psalm 88/89:15), Joseph Bentivegna S. J.
  • News, Pope to Movements: ‘Build schools of freedom’
  • ICCRS: Charismatics from around the world
  • Testimonies, The unexpected gift of a son, by Silvia Masini, Fraternity of Turin


III – 2006

Number 89

“If anyone wishes to come after me let him deny himself” Mary disciple of Christ

  • Editorial, Becoming hope for humanity, Orestes Pesare
  • “If anyone wishes to come after me let him deny himself” Blessed are you among women, H.E. Msgr. Joseph Casale
  • Mary teaches us self-denial, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Mary’s yes father of all our yeses, Daniele Mezzetti
  • Taking up the cross, that is, living life as a gift, Massimo Roscini
  • Disciples, therefore Church, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • The way of the disciple: deny yourself (Mark 8:34), Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Discipleship, the secret of life in the Spirit, Interview with Tarcisio Mezzetti and Oreste Pesare edited by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The charism of the “poor in spirit,” Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • News, Enchanted before the word of God!
  • Testimonials, Testimonials from Torre Rinalda camp, by Gloria and Marilina


IV – 2006

Number 90

“By the cross of Jesus stood Mary his mother” Mary, mother of hope

  • Editorial, At the foot of the cross to find freedom, Orestes Pesare
  • “Near the cross of Jesus stood Mary his mother” Mary, mother of hope, Fr. Raniera Cantalamessa
  • They will look to the one they pierced, Don Patrizio Rota Scalabrini
  • Embracing the cross supported by hope and Community, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • At the foot of the cross “Don’t be afraid,” Maria Rita Castellani
  • A mother for the journey, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Death has been defeated, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Power of God, Interview with Jim Murphy by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The grace of the Holy Spirit and its definitions, Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • Testimonies, The Holy Spirit is poured out in the land of Turkey, by Fr. Anton Bulai
  • News, Celebrating Communities


I – 2007

Number 91

“Concordant and persevering in prayer” With Mary in the cenacle.

  • Editorial, The logic of the cenacle to obtain the Holy Spirit, Orestes Pesare
  • “Concordant and persevering in prayer” Persevering in prayer with Mary, Fr. Raniera Cantalamessa
  • With Mary we wait for Pentecost, Daniela Saetta
  • Restarting together from the cenacle, Stefano Ragnacci
  • A fertile ground for the Spirit to work, Francesca Acito
  • The hidden direction of Mary’s hand, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • When the Spirit works in hearts, edited by Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Ecumenism starts from the bottom, Interview with Father Victor Dumitrescu
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Mary model of charismatic life.
    Patristic thoughts, Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • The conference of the Holy Spirit Community, come down again!


II – 2007

Number 92

“The Holy Spirit will descend upon you” Mary, the first charismatic: serve with humility

  • Editorial, With Mary salt and leaven in the world, Orestes Pesare
  • “The Holy Spirit will descend upon you” Mary, the first charismatic, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
  • Don’t tell me what you do, tell me who you are, Daniele Mezzetti
  • “Because he looked upon the humility of his servant,” James Lancini
  • Humility and tenacity in witnessing, Maria Rita Castellani
  • The Sacrament of Charity, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • The “yes” the world has been waiting for, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Waiting on the Holy Spirit, Interview with Patti Gallagher Mansfield by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic philocalia, The time of mission, Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • News, Magnificat Community, chapter of elders elected general officers
  • Testimonies, The “Seminar” with young people in Perugia


III – 2007

Number 93

“And bowing her head she gave forth the Spirit” Mary in the Johannine Pentecost.

  • Editorial, The Tree of Life, Orestes Pesare
  • “And bowing his head he emitted the Spirit” A gift without measure, Fr. Raniera Cantalamessa
  • “Do whatever he tells you.”
    Mother at the Wedding at Cana, Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • Like Mary, bringing Christ into our daily lives, Fr. Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu
  • Allowing God to work a miracle, Joseph Piegai
  • Born in the blood of martyrs, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • “Nothing put before the love of Christ,” Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “Thirsty for God’s Love,” Interview with Father Alerto Ibáñez Padilla S.J. by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic philocalia, The Ignatian exercises, a training ground for charismatic spirituality, Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • Testimonies, The “Seminar” with young people in Perugia, by Maria Grazia and Daniele
  • The child has a right to tenderness, by Annalisa Gobbi


IV – 2007

Number 94

“My soul magnifies the Lord” The Magnificat, canticle of Mary and the Church.

  • Editorial, Magnificat, authentic cry of the heart, Orestes Pesare
  • “My soul magnifies the Lord” The mystery of the annunciation, Fr. Raniera Cantalamessa
  • “Do whatever he tells you.”
    Mother at the Wedding at Cana – part two, Fr. Luca Bartoccini
  • Mary walks with a people, Joseph Casale
  • The beginnings of the Magnificat Community, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “… reached a city of Judah in haste” (Luke 1:39), Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Singing the Magnificat, or “Magnifying” God’s mercy, Interview, with Professor Mary Healy by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Man is created to seek God, Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • Testimonies, Consecrated people for the Community: a precious gift from God, by Alessandro Cesareo


I – 2008

Number 95

The Magnificat, song of praise to the Lord

  • Editorial, I want to live singing to my God, Orestes Pesare
  • “The Magnificat, a song of praise to the Lord,” Magnificat Community General Managers
  • The Holy Spirit teacher of praise, Georg Sandhof
  • Praise as a life choice, Maria Rita Castellani
  • The “four promises” sign of love for a true covenant, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The hope that distinguishes Christians, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • The “Magnificat”: praise erupts from the fullness of the heart, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Make your life a song of praise, Interview with Kim Collins by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, Private charisms and assembly charisms, Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • Testimonies, Consecrated for the Community, edited by Alessandro Cesareo


II – 2008

Number 96

The Magnificat, praise of the Lord’s mercy

  • Editorial, The mercy of the Lord always endures, Orestes Pesare
  • “The Magnificat, praise of the Lord’s mercy,” The Magnificat sings the love of God, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • Spreading mercy, Orestes Pesare
  • The Magnificat in Sacred Scripture, Nazarene Marconi
  • “Fear not, Mary…,” Tarcisio Mezzetti.
  • Called to spread mercy and truth, Interview with Stefano Ragnacci by Antonio Montagna
  • Charismatic Philocalia, The origins of evil in the world and in our lives, Joseph Bentivegna S.J.
  • The Community Convention A word that enlightens the world, by Alessandro Cesareo
  • Testimonies, and News Magnificat Community turned 30, by Alessandro Cesareo


III – 2008

Number 97

The Magnificat, praise of the humble and the poor

  • Editorial, Blessed are the poor, Orestes Pesare
  • “The Magnificat, praise of the humble and the poor,” God looks to the little ones like Mary, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • The Magnificat, a hymn to Mary, Fr. Valter Maria Arrigoni
  • God’s logic in human affairs, Daniele Mezzetti
  • The Church belongs to everyone and particularly to the poor, Maria Rita Castellani
  • Building the house on the rock, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • The mystery of being called by God, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The humble and the poor?
    They are the eyes of God!
    Interview with Paolo Maino by Antonio Montagna
  • Testimonials, and News In the bookstore “Nocturne in style” by Valentina Franzoni, by Alessandro Cesareo
  • The Consecrated for the Community (3), by Alessandro Cesareo


IV – 2008

Number 98

The Magnificat, praise of the servants of the Word and the brethren

  • Editorial, I say yes! Orestes Pesare
  • “The Magnificat, praise of the servants of the Word and of the brethren,” That Word capable of creating life, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • The Magnificat: fruit of hearing and receiving the word of God, Georg Sandhof
  • A community that proclaims is the glory of God, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Delivering dreams into the hands of God, Letizia Capezzali
  • Under the Power of God’s Word, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • The Gospel is a reality, not a philosophy, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Testimonies, The Magnificat Community Summer Camp 2008, by Lucia Romiti
  • Word of praise: when pain and suffering help to live in the fullness of God’s Will, by Francesca Roscini


I – 2009

Number 99

“Behold God’s dwelling place with men,” 2009 General Convention Special.

  • Editorial, A Leap Forward, Orestes Pesare
  • “Behold God’s dwelling place with men,” A wonder in our eyes, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • Three bishops, three fathers for Magnificat Community, Joseph Piegai
  • “Let us build the temple of the Lord together,” Alexander Caesar.
  • Community: dwelling place of God.
    “Be holy, for I am holy,” Lucia Romiti
  • “Building Community from People,” Maria Rita Castellani
  • “Called to build the city on the mountain,” Alexander Caesar.
  • Lamp to my steps is your Word… the beginnings of the Community, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Daniel played guitar…: the youth of the early days, Paolo Bartoccini
  • San Manno: the work of God, a wonder in our eyes, Francesca Acito
  • Two generations compared, edited by Gloria Roscini
  • Testimonies, “Called to live by God’s providence”; All days together: without God it is impossible!
    “I was so curious that I met God” edited by Davide Maloberti
  • News A new edition of the CD “Still Rising”


II – 2009

Number 100

“Your Word enchants me,” The spiritual journey in the Magnificat Community.

  • Editorial, Being “contempl-active” disciples, Orestes Pesare
  • “Your Word enchants me,” When the groom speaks to the bride, Daniela Saetta
  • Lectio divina: how a hermit monk lives it, Father Valter Maria Arrigoni
  • The Magisterium of the Pope The Word of God in the Life of the Church, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • The path of the Community and the Word of God said, “Let there be light.”
    And the light was, Luigi Montesi
  • The Prophet’s Mission in the Church and the World, by Susanna Bettelli and Agnese Mezzetti, edited by Francesca Menghini
  • A Jubilee Year in the Footsteps of St. Paul, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Journey in the Magnificat San Barnaba Community in Perugia, Marisa Rossi Castellani, Roberta Marcelli, Emanuela Biancalana
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Catholic Fraternity of Covenant Communities.
  • From the Charismatic Renewal Archives How to live spiritual discernment, edited by Francesca Acito
  • News, from the Community
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2009

Number 101

“The Beatitudes,” The Magnificat Community’s journey in 2009-2010.

  • Editorial, … will be happy, Orestes Pesare
  • “The Beatitudes. The Magnificat Community’s journey in 2009-2010,” Why a Year on the Beatitudes, Stefano Ragnacci
  • Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness! Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The Magisterium of the Pope The Paradoxes of the Beatitudes, edited by Francesca Acito
  • How to Live the Beatitudes, Maria Rita Castellani
  • The figure of the elderly in the Christian community, Msgr. Nazzareno Marconi
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities La Emmanuel covenant community, Francesca Acito
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Spiritual discernment, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Journey in the Magnificat Community San Donato all’Elce, Daniela Saetta
  • Thinking about the priestly year, Fr. Fabrizio Orsini
  • News, from the Community
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2009

Number 102

Eucharist and evangelization, A people on the way

  • Editorial, Like the shepherds and the magi, Orestes Pesare
  • “Eucharist and Evangelization, A People on the Way,” The Eucharist, A Way to Love, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The Eucharist, grace for a new evangelization, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The lamb, Christ’s sacrificial offering, Fr. Lorenzo Sena, OSB
  • Journey to the Magnificat Community The Fraternity of Bethany in Perugia, Gabriella, Jessica, Maria Cristina, Vincenzo
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The “Christian community of God’s delight,” Francesca Acito
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Eucharist: from here comes mission, Jean Pliya
  • Walking with the Church Thinking Back to the Pope’s Words to Artists, Daniela Saetta
  • We pray for.
  • News, from the Community
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


I – 2010

Number 103

“Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice” Special General Convention 2010

  • Editorial, Called to a new alliance, Orestes Pesare
  • “Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice,” What has happened in these six years, Stefano Ragnacci
  • A new call, Giuseppe Piegai
  • A life path that comes from listening, Letizia Capezzali
  • Building Community by Living the Covenant, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The words of the community’s pastors, Alessandro Cesareo
  • Dream… young people at Montesilvano convention, Micol Maria Busti and Alessandro Giuli
  • The little winners of the Beatitudes game, Elizabeth Canoro
  • “I am happy to be a priest.”
    Face to face with Don Arrigoni, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal The Desert, Seduction and Spoliation, by Patrick-Marie Févotte
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Community of Jesus: called for unity, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Journey into the Magnificat Marsciano Community, a flame of a great fire, Anna Maria Artegiani
  • We pray for.
  • News, from the Community and Testimonies,
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


II – 2010

Number 104

Listening worshipping

  • Editorial, Listening … worshiping, Orestes Pesare
  • “Listening by Adoring” Praying truly is listening, Msgr. Nazzareno Marconi
  • Listening to the Word according to the Magisterium of the Church, Rosalba Bartoletti
  • From listening to contemplation, from contemplation to action, Angelo Spicuglia
  • Walking with the Church Shroud: on the way to the “man of sorrows,” Francesca Acito
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal The Charism of the Priesthood and the Charismatic Renewal, edited by Francesca Acito
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Emmanuel Community, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with moderator Massimo Roscini: A story of grace and blessing, Don Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Città di Castello, Roberta Bacchetta
  • Testimonials,
  • News, from the Community
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2010

Number 105

Inhabiting the city of God

  • Editorial, The Jesus Inn, Orestes Pesare
  • “Inhabiting the City of God” The fruit of Pentecost is community, by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The testimony of charity, Rosalba Bartoletti
  • Community dwells in a place and is open to relationships, Massimo Roscini
  • On the road with the Church Educational emergency: the Magnificat Community with its hands in the dough, Maria Rita Castellani
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Becoming one, so that the monto believe in Jesus, Nikol Baldacchino
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Covenant Community “Glory to God,” by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Marco Impagliazzo: Community of Sant’Egidio: working for peace, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Journey into the Magnificat Community: Getting to know the Fraternity of Foligno, Roberta Bacchetta
  • We pray for.
  • Testimonials,
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2010

Number 106

A new monasticism

  • Editorial, A New People, Orestes Pesare
  • “A New Monasticism” Our vocation: to be transparent, Daniele Mezzetti
  • The New Ecclesial Movements in the Magisterium of the Church, Rosalba Bartoletti
  • The Community, a monastery with invisible walls, Stefano Ragnacci
  • Walking with the Church The Word of God in the “Verbum Domini,” Rosalba Bartoletti
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal God inhabits my soul, by Jacques Philippe
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The “City of the Lord” Community, by Francesca Acito
  • Pierre-Marie Delfieux’s story Monks in the City, by the Editorial Board
  • Journey into the Magnificat Community: The Fraternity of Cortona, Luigi Montesi
  • News, from the Community
  • Testimonials,
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


I – 2011

Number 107

“Beloved, Justified, Incorporated, Sent” 2011 General Convention Special.

  • Editorial, Sent because… loved, justified and incorporated, Oreste Pesare
  • “Beloved, Justified, Incorporated, Sent.”
    Take your victory from the side of Christ! Maria Rita Castellani
  • Who we are, what we do…, by the Editorial Board
  • When the Lord rebuilds people’s lives, by Alessandro Cesareo
  • Alliance, commitment of the whole community, Alessandro Cesareo
  • Working for Evangelization, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • And after Montesilvano?
    The fruits of the 11th General Retreat, Massimo Roscini
  • Face to face with Father Raniero Cantalamessa: Christians with the Anointing of the Spirit, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • From the archives of Charismatic Renewal Rediscovering “Evangelii nuntiandi,” Michelle Moran
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities: Alleluia Community, a reality born in the U.S., by Francesca Acito
  • Journey in the Magnificat Community The Fraternity of Bibbiena, Marco Biondi
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


II – 2011

Number 108

Christian mission

  • Editorial, Sent by Christ, Orestes Pesare
  • “Christian Mission.”
    What is mission?
    The horizon of evangelization, by the editors.
  • The experience of mission in the Magnificat Community, Stefano Ragnacci
  • On the way with the Church John Paul II Blessed!
    The long-awaited event, Francesca Acito
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal Rediscovering Redemptoris missio, Peter Thompson
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Réjouis-toi Community.
    Prayer and Sharing, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Kiko Arguello: The “Way” was born among the poor in Madrid, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity in Formation of Marti, Bruna, Sabatino and Federico
  • News, from the Community
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2011

Number 109

Why evangelize

  • Editorial, Advertisers by profession-or by vocation? Orestes Pesare
  • “Why Evangelize” He called them to stay with him and to send them to preach, Msgr. Nazzareno Marconi
  • Called to mission?
    Called to holiness!” edited by Francesca Acito
  • Witnessing a miracle in public schools, Joseph Piegai
  • On the road with the Church “Rooted and grounded in Christ, steadfast in the faith,” by the Editorial Board
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal Re-Evangelize Because I Believe, by Charles Whitehead
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Bread of Life fellowship, by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Msgr. Rino Fisichella: The Great Enthusiasm, by the Editors
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Turin, Enrico Versino and Graziella Vaudagna
  • We pray for.
  • Testimonials,
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2011

Number 110

Educating for mission

  • Editorial, Is one born a missionary or does one become one? Orestes Pesare
  • “Educating for Mission” Fathers and Mothers in Community, Stefano Ragnacci
  • The elements of formation in the Community, Daniele Mezzetti
  • Why a “Year of Faith,” Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • On the road with the Church The newly evangelized will be new evangelizers, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal Evangelizing means “sowing joy,” Paul Serafini
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities: “Disciples of Jesus” Covenant community, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Michelle Moran, president of ICCRS: Meeting Jesus, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Maguzzano, Giacomo Lancini
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


I – 2012

Number 111

A New Pentecost, Special General Convention 2012

  • Editorial, A new Pentecost? Orestes Pesare
  • “A New Pentecost” “Great things the Lord has done for us!”, Massimo Roscini
  • Two competing mentalities, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • A new Pentecost for all of us, Francesca Tira Menghini
  • The Magi’s lesson of faith, Card.
    Stanislaw Rylko, Francesca Acito
  • Pastors’ words to the community, Alessandro Cesareo
  • Chosen by the Lord to praise him in today’s world, Elizabeth Canoro
  • Operation little brother now also in Africa
  • We pray for.
  • Face to face with. Card.
    Rylko: The real crisis of man, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Testimonials, and news
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


II – 2012

Number 112

The Charismatic Renewal: a current of grace

  • Editorial, … a current of grace, Orestes Pesare
  • “The Charismatic Renewal: a current of grace” The roots of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Oreste Pesare
  • The birth of the Renewal in the Catholic Church, Father Carlo Colonna S.J.
  • Renewal: an experience?
    No, a way of life, James Murphy
  • We pray for.
  • On the way with the Church The “Magnificat Family” in celebration in Milan with the Holy Father, Maria Rita Castellani
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal The Charism according to St. Paul, edited by Francesca Acito
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities Family of God’s little children, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with.
    Philip Goyret: The Movements Fruit of the Council, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Piacenza, Angelo Scottini
  • News
  • Testimonials,
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2012

Number 113

Baptism in the Spirit

  • Editorial, The baptism in the Holy Spirit-what is it? Orestes Pesare
  • “Baptism in the Spirit”
    What do we mean by the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
    Father Fidel Oñoro
  • Keeping the flame of Pentecost burning, The ICCRS Doctrinal Commission document on baptism in the Spirit, Mary Healy
  • Effusion of the Spirit: starting point for the new evangelization, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • RCC World Youth Meeting in Brazil In Jesus all nations will place their hope, Maria Grazia and Martina
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal The grace of this century: the Charismatic Renewal, Fr. Francis Martin
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The “Light of Jesus Christ Covenant Community,” edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with.
    Patti Gallagher Mansfield: “We were 20 years old and the Lord spoke to us,” Don Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Milan, Teresa Ciociola, Emanuela Motta and Letizia Capezzali
  • News and Testimonies,
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2012

Number 114

The prophetic power of the Renewal

  • Editorial, A gift package for the Church, Orestes Pesare
  • “The Prophetic Power of the Renewal” Catholic Charismatic Renewal: unity in diversity, Oreste Pesare
  • The Popes and the Charismatic Renewal, by the Editorial Board
  • Unity in diversity.
    From Magnificat Sister Communities to the One Community, Stefano Ragnacci
  • F for Faith!
    Faith as seen through 5 actions, or 5 actions to grow in faith, Daniela Saetta
  • We pray for.
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Ecumenism and Charismatic Renewal, Matthew Calisi
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The “Comunidad Santísima Trinidad de Alianza,” edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Charles Whitehead: That unforgettable day in St. Peter’s Square, edited by Don Davide Maloberti
  • Journey to the Magnificat Community: Getting to know the Fraternity of Treviso, Federica Chiorboli
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


I – 2013

Number 115

I know in whom I have put my faith, Special General Convention 2013

  • Editorial, I know in whom I put my trust, Orestes Pesare
  • “I know in whom I put my faith” Fraternities, strong and united nuclei of brothers, by Massimo Roscini
  • The Magnificat Community: a mosaic of faith, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • “We will serve the Lord,” by Francesca Tura Menghini.
  • Renewed by the power of God, by Alessandro Cesareo
  • We pray for.
  • God’s work in our lives, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Magnificat Community: community life and Fraternity grow, by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Face to face with José Prado Flores: “Let us not forget the kerygma,” by Don Davide Maloberti
  • Face to face with Susanna Bettelli and Giuliana Saetta: Consecrated to God, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • News
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


II – 2013

Number 116

From Vatican II the renewal

  • Editorial, The mystery of Christ is unraveling, Orestes Pesare
  • “From Vatican II the renewal” The novelties of the Varican Council II, Fr. Antonio Sorci
  • The call to holiness, Fr. Antonio Sorci
  • Charismatic Renewal fruit of the Council, Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes
  • We pray for.
  • The importance of charisms in the light of Vatican II, Fr. Victor-Emilian Dumitrescu
  • The Council in the upheavals of history, Cardinal Léon Joseph Suenens
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The International Covenant Community “Glory of God,” Anna Cappello
  • Face to face with Fr. Robert Faricy: A Council to be lived, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Campobasso, Marinella, Michele and Silvana
  • Community News
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2013

Number 117

I believe

  • Editorial, Thank you Pope Benedict: I also believe, Oreste Pesare
  • “I believe” The cornerstones of the Church’s “creed,” Msgr. Nazzareno Marconi
  • This is the church in which the creed was born, Alexander Caesar
  • I believe, we believe, Msgr. Giuseppe Chiaretti
  • I am Catholic, but…, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • We pray for.
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Renewal and Faith, Charles Whitehead
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Catholic Community “Mount Zion,” by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Msgr. Bruno Forte: In the heart of a mother Church, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Journey into the Magnificat Community: The Story of the Fraternity of Foggia-San Severo, by the Fraternity of Foggia-San Severo
  • Testimonials, and news
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2013

Number 118

EUCHARIST, mystery of faith and source of the new evangelization

  • Editorial, Those of the Eucharist! Orestes Pesare
  • “EUCARISTIA, mystery of faith and source of the new evangelization” Eucharist, mystery of faith, source and summit of Christian experience, Giancarlo Giordano
  • Eucharist: source of the new evangelization, Valentina Bettelli
  • The Eucharist at the center! Daniela Lightning
  • Walking with the Church Faith as a Companion of Life, Davide Maloberti
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal Living the Liturgy in Everyday Life, Eamon Tobin
  • Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities Catholic Fraternity has a new president, by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Fr. Alberto Pacini: Why adoration, Davide Maloberti
  • Journey into the Magnificat Community: The Story of the Fraternity of Pompeii-Naples-Salerno, by Giancarlo, Fiorenza, Renato, Luisa, Amalia
  • Testimonials,
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


I – 2014

Number 119

A Gift for the Community, Special General Convention 2014

  • Editorial, Holiness in Everyday Life, Orestes Pesare
  • Archbishop Bassetti Cardinal!
    Francesca Acito
  • “Holiness” Brothers Together in Obedience, Davide Maloberti
  • “You have been taught what is good,” Elizabeth Canoro
  • Sanctifying oneself in daily life, Valentina Mandoloni
  • Reunited in the name of Jesus, Francesca Acito
  • We pray for.
  • I will tell, Lord, your wonders, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Communications at the Conference The Life of Community, from One Covenant to Another, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Face to face with Msgr. Nazzareno Marconi: Becoming Saints, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Operation Little Brother The Chapel of the “Virgin of the Magnificat” in Uganda is a reality! Orestes Pesare
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


II – 2014

Number 120

You also become saints

  • Editorial, Becoming Saints, Orestes Pesare
  • “Become holy also” “I, the Lord your God, am holy,” Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • “You also become saints,” Stephen Ragnacci
  • Destined for eternity, Valentina Bettelli
  • Renewal forge of saints, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal “You shall be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy,” by Bernadette Furman-Arnott
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities Covenant of Mercy, Evangelizing to Transform, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with Father Antonio Maria Sicari: Being holy to become ourselves, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Bucharest Fraternity, Agneza Tîmpu
  • We pray for.
  • Testimonials, and news
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2014

Number 121

Allow yourself to be transformed

  • Editorial, Let yourself be transformed, Orestes Pesare
  • “Let yourselves be transformed” “Do not conform to the mentality of this world,” Msgr. Nazzareno Marconi
  • A simple and humble adherence to Jesus, Joseph Piegai
  • All see your progress, Vincenzo Genovese
  • Holiness in the Gospel, Carlo Cerati
  • From the Charismatic Renewal archive “Truly Transformed,” by David Hazard
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Canção Nova Community, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with monk Franco Mosconi: Silence transforms lives, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Rome, Antonio Montagna
  • Testimonials, and news
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2014

Number 122

From a Dream of God to a Rule of Life

  • Editorial, Grasped by God…, Orestes Pesare
  • Born of a Prophecy, Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • Nourished by a Rule of Life, Giancarlo Giordano
  • Statutes: law guards love, Paolo Bartoccini
  • Jesus Christ, unique model, Luigi Montesi
  • From the archives of Come and See Chosen, Called, Sent by God, edited by Francesca Menghini
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The Missionary Community of Cana, by Francesca Acito
  • The Year of Consecrated Life Mothers and Fathers in the Holy Spirit, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Cassano allo Ionio Fraternity, The Brothers of the Cassano Fraternity.
  • Testimonials, and news
  • We pray for.
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


I – 2015

Number 123

“He who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9), Special General Convention 2015

  • Editorial, Syndrome of the “father-mother” who was not a son, Oreste Pesare
  • “Loving.
    Coming out of the den of the self, Elisabetta Canoro
  • “Choose to become” Magnificat Community, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • In our name God’s plan, Elizabeth Canoro
  • God at work in our lives, Angela Passetti
  • We pray for.
  • Communications at the Beyond Italy, Toward the World Conference, Valentina Mandoloni
  • Face to face with Sister Roberta Vinerba: “Everything changed at 23,” Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


II – 2015

Number 124

Worship God, the Lord

  • Editorial, He who loves burns! Orestes Pesare
  • “Worship God, the Lord” Worshiping God, Heart to Heart with the Lord, Stefano Ragnacci
  • The foundation of the Renewal is to worship God, Father Carlo Colonna S.J.
  • Worshippers of God with Life! Daniela Lightning
  • Contemplating the glory of God with bare face, Elizabeth Canoro
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Thought of Card.
    Léon Joseph Suenens, by matteo Calisi
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities Jesus youth, a missionary movement at the service of the Church, by Francesca Acito
  • We pray for.
  • Face to face with Fabio Anglani: The road to evangelization passes through the Eucharist, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Fraternity of Syracuse, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • In eternal life
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2015

Number 125

Come closer, please!

  • Editorial, Renewed Renewed, please! Orestes Pesare
  • “Draw near, please!”
    Jesus is Lord.
    Unity in reconciled diversity, Julia Torres
  • The Church, bread broken for all, Joseph Casale
  • Seeking Unity in Renewal, Daniele Mezzetti
  • Fraternal relationships: a “solid food” that grows, Maria Rita Castellani
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Pastoral and theological orientations of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, by Matteo Calisi
  • We pray for.
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities Comunidad Nueva Alianza.
    In the image of God communion
  • Face to face with Chiara Amirante: “Saved from Hell,” by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: Getting to Know the Fraternity of Paraná Entre Rios (Argentina), by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • News
  • Testimonials,
  • in eternal Life
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2015

Number 126

“Do not give in to temptation.”

  • Editorial, Temptation-what a scare! Orestes Pesare
  • “Do not give in to temptation” “Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Luke 4:1), Tarcisio Mezzetti
  • The temptations of the leader, Massimo Roscini
  • Pope Francis’ commandments, Msgr. Giuseppe Chiaretti
  • Temptations in Marriage, Angela Passetti
  • We pray for.
  • From the Archives of the Charismatic Renewal Ecumenism and Charismatic Renewal.
    Theological and pastoral orientations, by Léon Joseph Suenens
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities The People of God Community of Northeastern Pennsylvania, edited by Francesca Acito
  • Face to face with our young people: How do young people today experience the temptations of partnership?
    Edited by Angela Passetti
  • News
  • Testimonials,
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


I – 2016

Number 127

“Thieves pardoned,” Special General Convention 2016

  • Editorial, Felix culpa! Orestes Pesare
  • “Thieves pardoned” We loved by God in our unlovability, Elizabeth Canoro
  • Called to live the harmony of mercy, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • A Community Walking True to Its Roots, Angela Passetti
  • New entries into the community
  • God at Work in the Community, Francesca Tura
  • “Blessed are we young people,” Benedetta Bartoccini
  • Face to face with Father Amedeo Cencini: The Imagination of the Spirit in the Church, Davide Maloberti
  • Community News
  • We pray for.
  • In eternal life
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings

Attachment: Tarcisio, a father for the Community

  • Perugia-New York, there and back: the story of the man Tarcisio Mezzetti, Daniela Saetta
  • “A gift of boundless fatherhood,” The memory of sons Daniel and Luke
  • “Tarcisio has entered the day without sunset.”
    Cardinal Bassetti’s homily at the funeral in Perugia Cathedral, Gualtiero Card.
    Bassetti, Archbishop
  • “With Jesus, on Jesus, build” Jessica recalls the prophecy from which the Magnificat Community began, Jessica Mezzetti
  • “We are all special and unique, but not everyone has a grandfather like Tarcisio Mezzetti” Granddaughter Lucia’s testimony


II – 2016

Number 128

Mercy, mirror of the Christian community

  • Editorial, God’s name is “mercy,” Orestes Pesare
  • “Mercy, mirror of the Christian community.”
    Let us be his imitators!
    F. A.
  • Mercy is God himself, Father Valter Maria Arrigoni
  • Living the Jubilee.
    All the Community in Rome, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • The saints of mercy, Angela Passetti
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Charismatic Renewal and social action: in dialogue, by Matteo Calisi
  • The Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities “Via Pacis” in Riva del Garda, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Journey into the Magnificat Community: The Fraternity in Formation of Pila, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • We pray for.
  • News and Testimonies,
  • In eternal life
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


III – 2016

Number 129

Permanent forgiveness, a way to build community

  • Editorial, Forgiveness makes you like God, Orestes Pesare
  • “Permanent forgiveness, a way to build community” The promise of permanent forgiveness, Francis Fressoia
  • Learning to forgive in the footsteps of the Master, Enrico Versino
  • The Five Steps of Forgiveness, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Forgiveness restructures life, Francesco Calemi
  • News Our Jubilee of Mercy, Orestes Pesare and Francesca Acito
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal Renewal and the powers of darkness, by Matthew Calisi
  • We pray for.
  • Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities Divine Mercy, an experience born in Trent, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Face to face with Card.
    Mauro Piacenza: The mea culpa of Christians, edited by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Community of Genoa, Francesca Buono
  • Testimonials,
  • In eternal life
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


IV – 2016

Number 130

Evangelizers with a merciful heart

  • Editorial, Missionaries of mercy, Orestes Pesare
  • “Evangelizers with a merciful heart” St. Paul, the harpist of proclamation, Henry Versino
  • Missionaries of forgiveness, Luigi Montesi
  • In the footsteps of the missionary saints, Angela Passetti
  • Healing Seminars, Francesca Tura Menghini
  • From the archives of the Charismatic Renewal The Renewal as seen by Cardinal Suenens, by Matteo Calisi
  • Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities “Here I am Send Me,” a Community in Ragusa, by Editors
  • We pray for.
  • Face to face with Jim Murphy: Crossing the States to Bring Christ, by Annalisa Gobbi
  • Magnificat Community Journey: The Apiro Community, Domenico Gallo
  • News
  • Testimonials,
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


1 – 2017

Number 131

“I want four promises…,” Special General Convention 2017.

  • Editorial, For my life I want what God wants, Orestes Pesare
  • “I want four promises…” Magnificat Community: light of Christ in the darkness, by Francesca Acito
  • Telling God’s Dream, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • Crisis in the Community, by Enrico Versino
  • The new allies
  • God’s finger on my back, by Maria Rita Castellani
  • Community Magnificat Courage! by Lucia Sutti and Sergio Seravalle
  • The promise of poverty, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • The promise of permanent forgiveness, by Angelo Scottini
  • Building the greatest love, by Letizia Capezzali
  • The Promise of Service, by Elena and Emanuela Versino
  • “Becoming Authentic,” by Angela Passetti.
  • “Young people be strong,” by Valentina Mandoloni
  • We pray for.
  • Communications God at work in the Magnificat Community, edited by Elizabeth Canoro
  • Testimonials,
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


2 – 2017

Number 132

Returning to the source, journey in the Magnificat Community’s journey in 2016-2017

  • Editorial, A logbook to tell the story of the Community, by Oreste Pesare
  • “Returning to the source” Returning to the source, The General Managers of Magnificat Community.
  • “Whom do you seek?”
    Returning to our first encounter with Jesus, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • Cassano Fraternity recounts: that crucial meeting at “four o’clock in the afternoon,” Carla Selvaggi
  • Community life is our mountain to climb, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • “God had become just a habit for me. Through a disappointment, God extended his hand to me,” Maurizio Maio
  • “My soul magnifies the Lord”: the book by Orestes Pesare.
  • “Reborn from above” to go beyond human logic, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • “At Mass I met that ‘enemy’ priest. God gave me the opportunity to reconcile,” Roberta Bovini
  • Being with Him and in Him so that “no one is lost,” by Francesca Tura
  • “Communism tried in every way to tear away our personal identity, but the Lord won,” Georgeta Lazar
  • Loving in a new way, with the same love as God, by Francesca Tura
  • Testimonies,.
    “In our fraternity we understood that God was calling us to ‘wash each other’s feet’,” Lucia Bartolini
  • “With my mother there was a stormy past. I decided that day that I would ‘wash her feet,’” Elena Mencaglia
  • “My challenge has been to build a new relationship with a relative of mine who lives with me,” Eugenia Bulai
  • Returning to Galilee to evangelize with Christ, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • Testimonies,.
    “Eucharistic adoration is a good restorative cure to face life with new strength,” Stefano Luciani
  • We pray for.
  • “Fear not in trials, I am with you”: God healed me of an autoimmune disease, Teresa Diac
  • Returning to Galilee to evangelize with Christ, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • Testimonies,.
    “Eucharistic adoration is a good restorative cure to face life with new strength,” Stefano Luciani
  • “After a shocking experience, I accepted the invitation to rejoin the community,” Emmanuele Niro
  • Magnificat Community Life In the parish we collaborate with the Listening Center for those in spiritual difficulty, from the Fraternity in formation of Agrigento Francesco Guarasci
  • Also in Bibbiena the 25 hours with Jesus: when you say “todo por amor,” Lucia Bartolini
  • Campobasso: 2017 pastoral year opens and closes with a Jubilee, from Campobasso Fraternity Marinella Pattavina
  • “Adoration has become the heart of all our activities,” from the Fraternity of Casano allo Ionio (CS) Carla Selvaggi
  • New Life Seminar involves high school students, from Fraternity of Città di Castello (PG) Damiano Aisa
  • A stable ministry of intercession and healing is active, from the Fraternity of Cortona (AR) Raffaella Meozzi
  • “We collaborate with the parish of Jesus and Mary of Foggia,” from Foggia Fraternity Teresa Ciociola
  • Foligno, pray in a tent after the earthquake
  • Genoa, 5 novices two discipleships
  • Starting the New Life Seminar with a film forum: and why not?
    From the Fraternity of Magione/Agello (PG)
  • From a room to a large church: the leap into the 25th year, from the Fraternity of Maguzzano (BS) Marco Prandelli
  • Defeated but happy at the Tuscan final of the first edition of MagnifiCUP, from Fraternity of Marti (PI) Federico Luisi
  • Milan, even our children at the vigil in preparation for Pentecost, from the Fraternity of Milan Silvia Masini
  • Pompeii-Naples-Salerno, the last six allies.
  • Inner healing Mass each month.
    Fraternity under the protection of Mary, from the Fraternity of Piacenza, Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Fraternity in formation of Pila (PG)
  • Our tour de force between ministry of consolation and three hours of Eucharistic adoration, from the Fraternity of Ponte Felcino “Betania” (PG), Mauro Mariani
  • The Fraternity of Rome said goodbye to Father Jean-Jacques, from the Fraternity of Rome Francesca Acito
  • St. Barnabas retreat in Montesanto to rediscover the enthusiasm of faith, by St. Barnabas fraternity (PG) Alessandra Maria Pauluzzi
  • Even with the Grest in the parish we learn to live the joy of Community, from the Fraternity in formation of San Severo (FG) Matteo Liquadri
  • Open-door Eucharistic adoration as an opportunity for evangelization, from the Fraternity of Treviso
  • First of all, listen to yourself, from the Perugia Zone Angela Passetti
  • The conference “Pornography Polluting the Person,” from the Perugia Zone Angela Passetti
  • Three discipleships and a novitiate: the Community in Argentina is growing fast, from the Fraternity in Formation in Parana (Argentina)
  • Uganda Mission 2017, by Oreste Pesare
  • General ministries activities The ministry of discipleship, by Angela Passetti
  • The ministry of the novitiate, by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


1 – 2018

Number 133

Special General Convention 2018

  • Editorial, Called to look up…called to dream…! Orestes Pesare
  • “The Message of the Conference,” “Lord, Here I Am!” by Francesca Acito
  • Let God meet you, by Enrico Versino
  • With God changes the way we look at life, by Angela Passetti
  • Accompanied by the Spirit, by Maria Rita Castellani
  • Back to casting nets, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • Conversion of the heart and mission, by Elizabeth Canoro
  • Community Missions, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • The Word of God questions us, by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The new allies
  • Finding Strength in the Lord, by Lucia Sutti and Sergio Seravalle
  • “Step by step”: to learn the art of accompaniment, by Alberto Gabbiani
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


2 – 2018

Number 134

With Jesus on Jesus build, journey through the Magnificat Community’s journey in 2017-2018

  • Editorial, With Jesus, about Jesus, build! by Orestes Pesare
  • “With Jesus on Jesus build” Eucharist at the center, Magnificat Community General Managers
  • That fundamental question, “But you, who do you say I am?” by Elisabetta Canoro
  • “We took to the central streets of Perugia to ask people, “Who is Jesus to you?””, Elisa Moretti
  • No communion is built without the Eucharist, by Angela Passetti
  • “My son in the church came toward me to hug me and I didn’t have a chance,” Andrea Tiberti
  • The Eucharist, a way out of the dullness of habit, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • The host: a small piece of bread that reminds us every time that we are the Body of Christ, Sergio Seravalle
  • Loving others even when they do not express gratitude to us, by Enrico Versino
  • From intercessory ministry to discipleship: day by day on the way to serve the brethren, Louis and Lia
  • To make oneself a Eucharist is to build on the rock that is Christ, by Luisa Malinverni
  • Testimonies,.
    “God is with us in the storms of life: at home again we dialogue, eat together and laugh,” Magdalena Voicu
  • Because in the covenant we dedicate our lives to the Lord, by Angelo Spicuglia
  • Testimonies,.
    “I fought my great sense of inadequacy for years, then at the Healing Seminar…,” Maria Grazia Stella
  • Magnificat Community Life In Agrigento a year full of projects: listening ministry and Bible course, from the Agrigento Fraternity
  • “Work in progress” in Apiro.
    The earthquake did not get the better of us, from the Fraternity in formation in Apiro.
  • The Fraternity of Bethany in support of those in Naples and Apiro, from the Fraternity of Ponte Felcino “Betania” (PG)
  • Toward Putignano: with the Lord our first mission “away from home,” from the Fraternity of Cassano allo Ionio (CS)
  • “With youth ministry we talk about God’s love in schools,” from the Fraternity of Città di Castello (PG)
  • Also a charity dinner to help the mission in Uganda, from the Fraternity of Cortona (AR)
  • “We were nomads but now a dream comes true: the House of Prayer” From the Fraternity of Magione/Agello (PG)
  • The regular appointment with Jesus heals from the labors of daily life, from the Fraternity of Maguzzano-Lonato
  • In Collevalenza day of retreat in the sign of Mother Hope, by the Fraternity of Marsciano (PG)
  • Year of grace for the Fraternity of Marti, giving birth to several new ministries, from the Fraternity of Marti (PI)
  • “We wanted a seminary under our house but the Lord called us to Como,” from the Fraternity of Milan
  • In Aosta the end-of-year retreat of the Fraternity of Turin
  • Encore of Seminars of New Life for the Fraternity of Piacenza, from the Fraternity of Piacenza
  • A Fraternity grows in Pila with many families and children, from the Fraternity in Formation of Pila (PG)
  • An inner healing seminar with 80 participants, from the Fraternity of Pompeii-Naples-Salerno
  • “Pentecost Together” with Rome’s charismatic groups and communities, from the Fraternity of Rome
  • Fifteen years ago the Magnificat Community was born in Romania, by: Bro.
    from Bucharest, Bro.
    in formation from Bacau, Ramnicu Valcea, Popesti Leordeni and Prayer Group from Alba Iulia
  • A new path designed for “Friends” at St. Barnabas, by the Fraternity of St. Barnabas (PG)
  • When the husband “converts” to the path of Community, from the Fraternity in Formation of San Severo
  • Also in Palermo and Messina to raise awareness of the Community, from the Syracuse Fraternity
  • Experiencing the love of Jesus: the Terni Fraternity retreat, from the Terni Fraternity
  • Giving new life to community prayer: the journey of the Fraternity of Treviso, from the Fraternity of Treviso
  • The Archbishop of Kampala welcomed the Community with great willingness, from the Kampala (Uganda) Mission
  • Argentina: from youth meetings to the Chaco Mission, from the Parana Mission (Argentina)
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


1 – 2019

Number 135

As Mary we bring Jesus to the world, special General Convention 2018-’19

  • Editorial, Like Mary…, by Orestes Pesare
  • Magnificat Community’s new general leaders “We aim to rediscover charismatic life,” by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Talks moderator of “CHARIS” Moens: “God has been a gentleman with me,” by Fr. Davide Maloberti
  • Special General Convention 2018-’19 Why celebrate a historic anniversary, by Francesca Acito
  • Never be discouraged, always serve, by Enrico Versino
  • Magnificat, program for a new life, by Angela Passetti
  • “Like Mary we bring Jesus into the world,” Father Raniero Cantalamessa’s talk at the Community’s 40th anniversary conference
  • Believing that God has plans for good, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • Continuing to dream God’s dream, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • Navigating the world with the wind of the Spirit, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • The Word of God guides us on the way, by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The new allies
  • Magnificat Community Life The first book on the history of the Magnificat Community is out
  • Marisa Rossi Castellani: wisdom, hospitality, fidelity and common sense
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


2 – 2019

Number 136

Building God’s dwelling among men, journey in the Magnificat Community’s journey in 2018-2019

  • Editorial, Soaring, by Orestes Pesare
  • “Building God’s dwelling place among men” Building God’s dwelling place among men, by Editors
  • Jesus, the traveling companion in our bewilderment, by Francesca Menghini
  • From baking to serving: encountering Jesus by following the ministry of discipleship, Alfonsin Paoli
  • Hello Marisa, our traveling companion on the journey to Christ, the Fraternity of St. Barnabas
  • Obedience to the Word makes for abundant fishing, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • “In times of suffering, the prayers of the brothers have always accompanied us,” Samuela and Raffaele Grossi
  • Jesus continues to bet on the fisherman Peter, by Angela Passetti
  • Young newlyweds: “Meeting with the Community helped us come out of our shells,” Alexander and Aurora
  • A Church that becomes a witness to God’s love, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • “I was studying philosophy but felt called to be a psychologist. One day in fact…,” Silvia Salvarelli
  • In Community to heal our interpersonal relationships, by Enrico Versino
  • “This child has been one of God’s greatest blessings in our lives,” Sarah and Francesco Catarinelli
  • The Church continues to speak the language of every man, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • “With the prayer of outpouring of the Spirit a truly new life has begun for me,” Mauro Malatesta
  • Magnificat Community Life From catechism service to Bible classes: when a Community works with the parish, from the Agrigento Fraternity
  • “Our fruits? Discipleship and the newborn ministry of charity,” from the Fraternity in Formation of Apiro
  • Healing seminar open to parishes where we are present, by the “Bethany” fraternity
  • “Covenant is like a mirror to understand who we are and where we are going,” from Bibbiena Fraternity
  • Healing seminars and “evangelization appetizer”: a busy year, from the Cassano allo Ionio Fraternity
  • No stakes to the Holy Spirit.
    Fraternity to the test of young people, from the Fraternity of Città di Castello
  • From the Seminaries of New Life to the meeting of allies from all over Tuscany, from the Fraternity of Cortona
  • At the Seminary of New Life a cake with the names of all the “effused” brothers, from the Fraternity of Foggia
  • “The Lord has always confirmed the project of the Community in Genoa,” from the Genoa Mission
  • “It’s time for you!”: Maguzzano on mission with Franciscans, from the Fraternity of Maguzzano-Lonato
  • “Our children ask us: but what is the Magnificat Community?” from the Fraternity of Marsciano
  • A Healing Seminar to break out of slumber and fatigue, from the Fraternity of Marti
  • Experiencing community in a metropolitan city, from the Fraternity of Milan
  • With the prophet Isaiah to become aware of being Community, from the Fraternity of Piacenza
  • It is not enough to grow in numbers, a leap in spiritual life is needed, from the Fraternity in formation in Pila
  • An inner healing seminar with 80 participants, from the Missionaries involved in the Fraternity in formation in Parana (Argentina)
  • On the road at St. Barnabas, from the Fraternity of St. Barnabas
  • “We returned to pray in the earthquake-damaged church,” from the Fraternity in formation in Pila
  • A small fraternity in continuous growth: the “building site” of Naples, Pompeii and Salerno, from the Fraternity in formation of Naples-Pompeii-Salerno
  • “Woman, Rediscover Your Identity!”
    A meeting with Michelle Moran, from the Fraternity of Rome
  • All the Community of Romania together for the 11th time, from the Zone of Romania
  • Working on oneself to rediscover community: on the road to San Severo, from the San Severo Mission
  • From Messina to Palermo, the missions of the Fraternity of Syracuse, from the Fraternity of Syracuse
  • Terni, from the Seminary of New Life to the start of the novitiate path, from the Fraternity of Terni
  • A four-day retreat before all activities resume, from the Fraternity of Treviso
  • Ethiopia: from material aid to starting the journey of discipleship, from Dabre Marcos Mission (Ethiopia)
  • Pakistan, there was a layman in the beginning.
    The Gospel in a Muslim Country, from the Gojra-Faisalabad and Renalakhurd-Faisalabad Missions (Pakistan).
  • Uganda: “Never Abandoned.
    The experience of the Magnificat Community, from the Kampala Mission (Uganda).
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings



Number 137

Take the book and eat, journey in the journey of Magnificat Community in 2019-2020

  • Editorial, “The Word is not chained” (2 Tim. 2:9), by Orestes Pesare
  • “Take the book and eat” “As a fruitful vine”: restarting the journey together, by Magnificat Community General Managers
  • We rediscover that in life God loves us first, by Francesca Menghini
  • Testimonies,.
    “We lived half our lives with lukewarm faith, then suddenly…”, Salvatore and Isabella
  • “It was Christmas night and a homeless man at the Bologna station shared his panettone with us,” Gabriele
  • With the Spirit we overcome the famine of hope, by Angela Passetti
  • “I bless God who gives joy even when going through suffering,” Francesca
  • We learn to rejoice in the charisms of our brothers and sisters, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • Testimonies,.
    “Sister Letizia taught me never to let down: God is always with us,” Roberta and Giorgio
  • “Our story began with the Jubilee of 2000. Then came Archangel…,” Diletta and Edward
  • We love the brothers beyond disappointment, by Elisabetta Canoro
  • Testimonies,.
    Marco and Laura, united in the Lord.
    “We entrusted ourselves to Him and Blessed came,” Marco and Laura
  • “We were like two extinguished candles. Without God, our life is empty of joy,” Sara and Simone
  • Blessing our enemies changes our hearts, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • Testimonials,.
    Matthew on the front lines against coronavirus.
    “Dad, remember to wear a mask!”, Matthew
  • “All the brothers were praying. In the Easter triduum Gabriella stood on the Cross with Jesus,” Rita Traina
  • Receiving reconciliation and giving reconciliation, by Elizabeth Canoro
  • Testimonies,.
    “I was living as an angry person and I was pouring this discomfort on my family. Then God…,” Mauro Teresa
  • “A prayer chain to save my son. The Word was clear: the ‘storm quelled,’” Angela
  • Let’s not let brotherly love be stolen, by Enrico Versino
  • Angel over the obstacles of life.
    “If you walk with Jesus, you will never be bored,” Angelo
  • Magnificat Community Life “A great joy: returning to pray together at the Pentecost Vigil,” from the Agrigento Fraternity
  • A busy year.
    “The Lord has given us words of consolation,” from Lidarno Fraternity “Bethany”
  • “We wanted to bring God’s love. A parish welcomed the seminary,” from the Fraternity of Bibbiena
  • With the song “Mighty Hand,” an evangelization project was born, from the Cassano allo Ionio Fraternity
  • On mission in Veneto in Borbiago despite great distance, from the Fraternity of Città di Castello
  • “We were ready for the Effusion and the lockdown came…,” from the Fraternity of Cortona
  • After the Franciscans’ mission, the Seminar of New Life opened, from the Fraternity of Maguzzano-Lonato
  • “The Bishop of San Miniato also came to pray with us,” from the Fraternity of Marti
  • “God was insistently asking us to stand in prayer before Him,” from the Milan Fraternity
  • For six years God has been at work in Argentina thanks in part to the Magnificat Community, from the Fraternity of Parana (Argentina)
  • The pandemic has hit Piacenza but prayer has not stopped, from the Fraternity of Piacenza
  • Morning Lauds on Facebook: the web at the service of community life, from the Fraternity in formation in Rome
  • The ministry of anointing is born at St. Barnabas: consolation at work, from the Fraternity of St. Barnabas
  • Today as in the days of Noah: let us overcome the great flood together, from the Fraternity of Terni
  • Community is also a way to meet God in Pakistan, from the Gojra-Faisalabad and Renalakhurd-Faisalabad Missions (Pakistan)
  • The first time of a New Life Seminar for priests, from the Kampala Mission (Uganda)
  • Operation Little Brother, since 2004 has come a long way, from the Leaders of the “Operation Little Brother” initiative
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings



Number 138

As a fruitful vine

  • Editorial, How much life…, by Orestes Pesare
  • Risen Jesus is waiting for us again in Galilee, by the General Managers
  • In Mary’s embrace is God’s embrace, by Enrico Versino
  • Testimonies, “We are not saved alone, but in clusters. In the Community I discovered the gift of brothers,” Angelo Amoroso – Fraternity of Agrigento
  • Testimonies, “Caught up in work and inner darkness. So we started looking and we found,” Daniel and Marzia – Bibbiena Fraternity
  • Testimonies, “The Lord has spoken to us several times about the call to become one Body,” Daniela Di Mattei – Naples Fraternity in Formation
  • Do you want to bring the newness of Christ to the world?” by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • Testimonies, “That pot with gravy was the first sign with which God answered my prayer,” Laura – Bethany Fraternity (Perugia)
  • Testimonies, “Bride again. After my husband’s death I felt the call to consecrate myself to God,” Clorinda – Fraternity in formation of Pila
  • Testimonies, “God raised me up from despair. He kept believing in me,” Rosella Orsini – Fraternity in formation of Terni
  • Welcoming Mary as Mother under the Cross, by Angela Passetti
  • Testimonies, With the help of the saints to never lose heart even in the face of illness, Federica Picone – Fraternity of Foligno
  • Testimonies, Gisella’s serene greeting, “Hi Angela, I have my trolley ready to go home,” Angela Macalli – Fraternity of Milan
  • Testimonies, “My van had crushed me against the gate. The brothers immediately went into prayer,” Alfonso Di Maio – Fraternity in Formation of Pompeii
  • Testimonies, “John lived ten days. His short existence questioned all of us,” Mom Alice with Dad Henry – Fraternity of “San Barnaba” (Perugia)
  • With Mary to face life without fear, by Angelo Scottini
  • Testimonies, “From Cameroon to Genoa, the truth is always this: no one can save themselves,” Wotchoko Mariette Peggy – Genoa Mission
  • Testimonies, Courage in the face of apocalyptic scenarios of all times: ‘We carry the fire,’ Alessandra Burchia – Fraternity of Magione-Agello
  • Testimonies, “In the face of a fearful society we testify that we can live as children of God,” Luigi Falaschi – Fraternity of Marti
  • Testimonies, “I longed to experience God’s love. During a seminar the Lord healed me,” Fabiola – Fraternity of Rome


  • In the field to accompany the novices of the Palermo Mission, from the Fraternity of Agrigento
  • Even in this time of pandemic, the Lord has not left us alone, from the Fraternity in formation in Apiro contact person Aldo Mancini
  • Called to feel like sentinels to accompany our brothers, from the Fraternity of “Bethany” (Perugia)
  • Also present at the alliance renewal was the mayor of Bibbiena, from Bibbiena Fraternity Ambra, Ilaria and Marco
  • We were called to the first Catholic TV born in Romania, by the Alba Iulia Fraternities, “Bethlehem” of Popești-Leordeni, “Misericordia” of Bucharest and “Shalom” of Bacau (Romania)
  • Tired and thirsty, but the water bottle never lacked among us, from the Fraternity of Città di Castello
  • Distance made hunger for God grow, from Mission in Uganda Lorenzo Capezzali
  • The Fraternity of Floridia was born in the church of St. Francis, from the Fraternity of Floridia
  • We are praying to understand together where the Lord is calling us, from the Fraternity of Foligno
  • Fransua, the first permanent deacon in Turkey’s history, from the Fraternity in Formation in Istanbul (Turkey) Zeynep Veronica Buladlar, novitiate path in Istanbul
  • In the months of the pandemic, an experience of proclamation to young people was born, from the Fraternity of Maguzzano-Lonato (Brescia) Serena, Matteo, Anna, Erica and Ionela
  • In the combat under the Cross we saw love win, from the Fraternity of Cassano allo Ionio (Cosenza)
  • The covenant of five new sisters in the presence of the bishop, from the Fraternity of Marti (Pisa)
  • Tarcisio told us, “You are a miracle,” from the Fraternity of Terni
  • Faith in a Muslim Country: God is coming into our lives, from Gojra-Faisalabad and Renalakhurd-Faisalabad Missions (Pakistan) Fr. Simon, Fr. Shabir, Fr. Zafar
  • Thanks to the online seminar, geographical distances are cancelled, from the Fraternity of Parana (Argentina)
  • We are not conducting the orchestra.
    Maybe we have figured it out … from the Piacenza fraternity
  • We are trying to deepen as a fraternity the theme of prophecy, from the Fraternity of Rome
  • Difficulties are not walls, but opportunities that God uses to open new paths, from the Fraternity of St. Barnabas (Perugia)
  • Also a New Life Seminar for confirmation boys, from the Fraternity of Treviso
  • General Community Ministries: the latest addition is the “koinonia,” by editorial staff
  • The “outgoing Church” in the Pope’s words
  • General Ministry of Missions: mission is not an optional extra, from the Ministry Team
  • Operation Little Brother: our God does not disappoint, by MM, OF Team contributor

  INSERT – Rereading the global pandemic as a Community, by Angela Passetti and Enrico Versino

  • We, the veterans
  • The centrifuged pair
  • Children’s prison
  • “That Age,” elevated to the power of Covid.
  • Parents on the verge of a nervous breakdown
  • Just single in the rain
  • And who had seen any before…
  • So what?
  • Pandemic and the Community
  • What’s left of the day

Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


Number 139

A new today for the community

  • Editorial, Ring the bells, by Orestes Pesare
  • A new today for the community
  • Living faith beyond good habits
  • On the road like hobbits, the world’s poor
  • Let’s not turn into couch Christians
  • Rise up!
    God shows you new paths
  • “Christ is risen! He is truly risen!”
  • Testimonies, “The story of our daughter Miriam Giorgia, who was born to earth and sky on April 23, 2019,” Francis and Sarah Catarinelli
  • Testimonies, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them” (Mark 10:14): the story of Mary Emma, Anna Gaia and Mario
  • Persevering in fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers New summer experiences prompted by the Holy Spirit in the pandemic

Magnificat Community, prayer meetings


Number 140

Passionate fighters for Christ

  • Editorial, Passionate Fighters for Christ, by Orestes Pesare
  • Prayer: There is still Hope!
  • Have the same feelings as Jesus, by Angela Passetti
  • “I stand at the door and knock,” by Angela Passetti.
  • Diseases of the soul, by Valentina Franzoni
  • So let your light shine before men, by Francesca Tura Menghini
  • The gift, gratitude and joy: testimonies, by Enrico Versino
  • The Springtime of the Magnificat Community, by Vincenzo Genovese
  • Called to the “jump,” by Angelo Spicuglia
  • New general ministries, new testimonies, by Valentina Mandoloni
  • The Lord always exceeds us in generosity, by Joseph Piegai
  • “What the Spirit Tells the Churches,” by Francesca Tura Menghini.
  • Magnificat Community Editions
  • Magnificat Community, prayer meetings

L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici L'ABC della vita comunitaria - come costruire legami empatici ACQUISTA ORA